Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 31 January 2014
The theme of the exhibition is inspired by the concept of empathy, German Einfuhlung, a term coined by the philosopher R.Vischer as the ability to get in tune with each other, making it a sharer of his moods, leaving aside sympathy and antipathy, but trying to relate to others with empathy. So in the arts one can speak of aesthetic sympathy, or feeling, not otherwise defined, you feel in front of a work of art. The work is perceived as beyond meaning, beyond the technical, as pure visual spontaneous participation, which creates a sense of well being and inner vision.
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Comments 8

Maria Cristina  Neviani
10 years ago
anna de rosa
10 years ago
anna de rosa Artist
sì ho partecipato con 6 mie opere!
emilia rebuglio
10 years ago
Lino Bianco
10 years ago
Lino Bianco Artist
Congratulazioni e complimenti. Ciao,
Teresa Palombini
10 years ago
Buona fortuna!!
Gianpaolo Marchesi
10 years ago
Anna Maria Peluso
10 years ago
in bocca al lupo!
Silvano Debernardi
10 years ago
Se capisco bene partecipi con opere alla mostra; quindi, congratulazioni! Un tema molto accattivante.

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