Exhibitions, Serbia, Belgrade, 05 January 2011
“I make paintings of people who are in a state of deep concentration, focused on their tasks and the ways of achieving them, ready to go beyond the “edge” in order to achieve the desired result, to move the boundaries, to open new worlds.”
My attention is concentrated on that particular state (the harmony of body, mind and spirit) of man.
The new cycles of paintings entitled SPIRIT is a logical continuation of my earlier works whose theme was heroes. People/individuals that I present now are great enthusiasts, fighters and heroes, too.
FAITH (VERA), for example, represents a young girl (my grandmother) before she went to work in Germany. Her face reveals readiness, complete and conscious acceptance of enormous changes that were to take place in her life. ACROBAT is about an Italian acrobat from the Cirque de Soleil as he appeared in the show Quidam just before an amazing jump that he was about to make. ATHLETES, are also from the Cirque de Soleil, are seen after their incredibly perfect balancing act; two bodies in synergy which never lose contact during the act, while moving almost invisible. TESLA has a close connection with his inventions. JEAN1 and JEAN2 show Jean-Marc Barr in the movie The Big Blue playing Jacques Mayol just before he plunged into the sea, the depths and the duration of which were unheard of until then.

Ivona Pleskonja

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