Exhibitions, Italy, Mantova, 20 January 2013
A few notes on the work of Iva Recchia
On the edge of a threshold is a face. Arises from an indistinct background, without
connotation. A sea of R03;R03;white, immaculate which is said as such. Immediately, the
recognitive mechanism is installed in the binary representation, as if this
need could not be ignored. Arise, with that need, both its
predominance that the impossibility of dirsene completely satisfied. groped of
beyond that sense of faintness, however, can not result in that
immediately return insisted on watching.
Eyes, two eyes: a pair. The face appears at the very moment in which the gaze is
recognize it as such and as such can be recognized.
A look inviting, which requires a form of communication but remains silent to
germinal stage, not daring. Fix this look helps to make sense of a bit '
these spots unfamiliar, and it rises almost to be the focus of our
sensation and, consequently sensitive, the board itself.
Paolo Capelletti e Fabrizio Migliorati

Comments 1

Marco Fulgeri
12 years ago
Marco Fulgeri Artist
Ciao Iva, intanto tanti auguri ecomplimenti per la mostra, e ci vediamo comunque all'inaugurazione.

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