BODY BIRD: presentation by Isreali artist Avital Cnaani
Lectures, Italy, Siena, 23 July 2013
Tuesday, July 23 9:00 pm
Synagogue of Siena (vicolo delle Scotte, 14)
starting at 8:00 pm guided tours of the synagogue in Italian and English
Tuesday, July 23, starting at 8:00 pm, the synagogue of Siena opens its doors to the city for a double event dedicated to art and an encounter with Jewish culture.
The star of the evening is Isreali artist Avital Cnaani, resident artist of the Siena Art Institute for the month of July, who will trace the main phases of her artistic research: an itinerary, halfway between sculpture and drawing, which revolves around themes such as the body, material, and the concept of "place," understood not only as the natural environment but also as a political space full of conflicts, contradictions, and elements of complexity. A work which aims to rise ideological questions regarding the correlation between an object and its surroundings to explore the dialectic between civilization and nature, between uncontaminated, wild landscape and physical, shaped space, often violated by the hand of mankind.
Before the meeting with the artist, starting at 8:00 pm, guided tours of the synagogue will take place in Italian and English. Following the presentation, Kosher wines will be offered.
An evening of sharing of paths and experiences, an opportunity to meet an international artist and see her dialogue with the Sienese Jewish community and the rest of the city. An opportunity to get in touch with Jewish culture in the place which, in Siena, preserves its history and its traditions.
The event is organized by the Siena Art Institute, the Siena Section of the Jewish Community of Florence, and CoopCulture.
Picture: Avital Cnaani, Damahr, 2008, formica

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