Mariacarla Taroni
Exhibitions, Italy, Milano, 06 March 2016
wunderkammern ephemeral

"My illustrations are developed with the technique of intaglio. My works are born of a very personal vision, sometimes even provocative, but who wants to be a means to create shared feelings with the other person so as to interact with him, sending messages also. " So introduce their works Carla Taroni: works that are vital thanks to this dialogue with the viewer. The main source of inspiration is the world around the artist, the starting point for the addition of fantastic subjects, animals and generally bizarre elements with a strong symbolic connotation. These symbolic presences, this animal symbolism, alter reality, loaded with more vitality, but they also impose a phase of deeper understanding of the theme, route of great visual and intellectual power. On the one hand recall the vagaries of Goya, with their ability to "stage" the concepts through symbolism (it is no accident the work in which the animals live in a theater, main place of Darstellung). The main key to understanding the work of Maria Carla Taroni is undoubtedly the irony, but also the ability to transform people and real places, to give life to a changed representation of reality: the choice of using the animal symbolism first captures the viewer, it approaches, it amazes me, but then allows a second level of symbolism and understanding (as is the case for example for the famous comic Art Spiegelman's Maus). The artist herself is sometimes the protagonist of his own works, as in the written and illustrated book "TMC Mouse Crack in Time," published by The Unseen Bottega.

Aldo Torrebruno

6 March to 8 April 2016
exhibition space microLive @Circuiti Dynamic
Via Giovanola, 21 / c Milano

wunderkammern ephemeral
curatorship | Anna and Aldo Epis Torrebruno
presentation | Aldo Torrebruno
setup | Anna and Lorenzo Epis Argentino
Partners | | Dynamic circuits Milan

album |
ebook |

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