presentation conference
Interviews, Italy, Bari, 01 January 1970
Thursday 14 April, at 6 p.m., Via Guido De Ruggiero n.6 in Bari (Italy) Vessel, a new non-profit space dedicated to contemporary art, will be presented.

Viviana Checchia and Anna Santomauro, independent curators and creators of Vessel, will present the project "Motore di Ricerca" and subsequently open the Vessel to the public.

Following the presentation, there will be an inaugural aperitif where visitors can view the first young artist portfolio selected by the Scientific Committee and territorial research.

In it’s first year, Vessel will activate Motore di ricerca, a project which will create a research and documentation centre (physical and digital), a residence for international curators, an independent office to support independent design, a project room and a web

The centre will collect the portfolios of Apulian artists under 35 years old, through a series of open calls that will be launched via Web every two months. In addition to cataloguing artists portfolios, the documentation centre will compile a survey of academic research in environmental, historical, linguistic, urban planning, sociological sciences, etc..carried out in universities and leading research institutes in the region in which Vessel has woven a dense network of collaborations.

Vessel will be an independent, non profit space devoted to contemporary art; a dynamic container that intends to build an artistic and social bridge between Apulia and the surrounding areas, Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe.

Vessel focuses on existing mechanisms in these areas, relating them to each other in order to create new cultural forms.

Vessel will create situations in which confrontation, interaction and creative process can facilitate models of knowledge-sharing that are not limited to the enjoyment of art, but consider participation as key for the production of new forms of expression.

The Scientific Committee of Vessel is composed of Charles Esche, Ilaria Gianni, Cecilia Guida, Denis Isaia, Viktor Misiano, Mark Petroni, Roberto Pinto along with the curators of Motore di ricerca, Viviana Checchia and Anna Santomauro.

Vessel is a project possible thanks to the generous Principi Attivi 2010 award in addition to the support of Regione Puglia.

Presentation Conference
14 April 2011, 6 p.m.
Via Guido De Ruggiero, 6 - Bari

Press office
Fabio Gnali +39 348 901 65 80

Anna Santomauro +39 328 039 52 10

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