Art Savona Italy
Exhibitions, Italy, Savona, 09 March 2013

Saturday, March 9 at 17:30 Savona will be inaugurated in the second leg of the touring exhibition Art in the Industrial Triangle, the initiative that the movement of the XXI Century Arts and Gallery Falzone of Milan dedicated to the best pictorial energies of this first part of the new millennium .

Responded to thirty Italian and foreign artists presenting works of undoubted value that have been awarded their prestigious efforts of the curators, a trio of characters - Sabrina Falzone, Licinia Aldo Maria Visconti and Pero - whose diverse skills are harmonic synthesis in the difficult task of promoting art in a period of cultural and financial crisis.

After a successful debut in Milan, the event will conclude on April 13 in the historic rooms of the oldest Association of Turin, Piedmont Artistic and Cultural.

The success that has been outlining since its inception suggests that this resignation is destined to become one of the most important events in the current panorama of the visual arts.

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Saturday, March 9 at 17:30 Savona will be inaugurated in the second leg of the touring exhibition Art in the Industrial Triangle, the initiative that the movement of the XXI Century Arts and Gallery Falzone of Milan dedicated to the best pictorial energies of this first part of the new millennium .

Responded to thirty Italian and foreign artists presenting works of undoubted value that have been awarded their prestigious efforts of the curators, a trio of characters - Sabrina Falzone, Licinia Aldo Maria Visconti and Pero - whose diverse skills are harmonic synthesis in the difficult task of promoting art in a period of cultural and financial crisis.

After a successful debut in Milan, the event will conclude on April 13 in the historic rooms of the oldest Association of Turin, Piedmont Artistic and Cultural.

The success that has been outlining since its inception suggests that this resignation is destined to become one of the most important events in the current panorama of the visual arts.

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Comments 3

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo Patrizia
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
Compliments !
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago

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