Il sorriso di Roberta per l'UNICEF – Project “100% let’s vaccinate every child"
Exhibitions, Italy, Messina, Milazzo, 27 May 2016
100 painters and Roberta's smile - when the 'Art meets Solidarity.

Another project of the highest social value is to be held in Milazzo on days ranging from May 27 to June 5, 2016.

The room's glass Paladiana the City of Milazzo, as in previous years, will host the eighth edition of "The Roberta's smile for UNICEF."

The UNICEF project this year is "100% let’s vaccinate every child”

Vaccinations are among the most effective health interventions, sustainable and affordable.

Although they prevent each year between 2 and 3 million child deaths, a million and half of children continue to die every year from diseases that could be prevented with a vaccine.

Globally, 20% of the child population (0-5 years) are not regularly vaccinated.
With the international campaign Project “100% let’s vaccinate every child ", UNICEF aims to strengthen immunization programs in eight states particularly vulnerable, in which focuses quarter of global infant mortality: Afghanistan, Angola, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria , Pakistan, South Sudan and Yemen.

The campaign aims to empower both vaccinations "routine" and the specific ones against polio, contributing every day to save the lives of 4,000 children.

In the 8 countries benefiting from the activities of the polio campaign is a serious risk to public health services and routine immunization are inadequate or inefficient: Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan are the only three countries in the world where the disease remains endemic.

The campaign aims to raise more than $ 100 million by the end of 2017.

The goal is to vaccinate 79.9 million children under five years against polio, protecting 16.6 million infants and children (0-12 months) with routine immunizations, reaching 6 million children never vaccinated before, many of whom live in remote areas or lack of health services

In these 8 United UNICEF it will strengthen three strategic areas for vaccination of all children:
the cold chain (the system of storage and transportation of vaccines at a constant temperature),
awareness activities Community and social
vaccinating children hardest to reach and the emergency response to outbreaks.

The expected results from the campaign include:

The achievement, in every district of every state, a vaccination coverage of at least 80%
for the trivalent vaccine diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT3), a global indicator of the efficiency of vaccination programs.

The eradication of the polio virus in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.

The status of a country free from polio (polio-free country) in the other 5 States

What will we do to help them

It will set up a group exhibition that will directly involve all the participating artists, who will give them a painting.

The presence of many artists of many nationalities who have pledged to donate one of their works for the realization of this project, comforted by the organizers who hope to repeat the success of previous events.

All the works donated by the artists will be offered for sale with a minimum bid during the event and all proceeds will be donated to UNICEF and will fund the project “100% let’s vaccinate every child "that the provincial committee UNICEF of Messina and the Roberta Smedili Association adopted for its business for the year 2016.

For information and donation paintings.

Il sorriso di Roberta per l’UNICEF – UNICEF Arte
Associazione Roberta Smedili
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio, 12
98057 Milazzo (ME)
sito web

Il sorriso di Roberta per l’UNICEF – Progetto "100% Vacciniamoli tutti”
Paladiana del Comune di Milazzo 27 Maggio 2016 – 2 Giugno 2016

Presentazione mostra
Sala rotonda del Paladiana, 27 Maggio 2016 ore 19,00

Esposizione e vendita dipinti
Sala a vetri del Paladiana 27 Maggio – 5 Giugno 2016 orario 10,00 – 20,00


ALESCI Francesco (Italy)
BATTAGLINI Elena (Italy)
BELLAVITA Marco (Italy)
BELLI Carmelo (Italy)
BERARDICURTI Barbara (Italy)
BERNAVA Angelo (Italy)
BETTA Valerio (Italy)
BONACINA Adelio (Italy)
BONFANTI Adelaide (Italy)
BONFANTI Elvira (Italy)
BRESCIANI Mario (Italy)
BUSINARO Leonardo (Italy)
CAMMARATA Antonino (Italy)
CARNEVALE Nicola (Italy)
CIRINCIONE Liliana (Italy)
COLOMBO Carla (Italy)
CONTE Vincenza (Italy)
CONTI Achille Alessandro (Italy)
CORAL Roberta (Italy)
CRAIG Holland (England)
CRIVELLARO Gelindo (Italy)
CURRO' Salvo (Italy)
DE HAAN Paul (Italy)
DE STEFANO Emidio (Italy)
DEBERNARDI Silvano (Italy)
DELUSSU Marcello (Italia)
DI LEO Anna (Italy)
DISETTI Marta (Italy)
ESTER Q (Italy)
FARINELLI Ezio (Italy)
FIORE Stefano (Italy)
FORMICHETTI Silvio (Italy)
FUMAGALLI Alex (Italy)
GRASSO Seby (Italy)
GRIFFI Roberta (Italy)
GUTT Andreas (Germany)
HAJNOS Miroslaw (Poland)
JEVREMOVA Suza (Macedonia)
KARATZA Athanasia (Greece)
KHROMYK Natalia (Ukraine)
KOWALIK Marcin (Poland)
LA MANTIA Marilena (Italy)
LA SPADA Valentina (Italy)
LOMBARDO Salvo (Italy)
MAGAZZINI Salvatore (Italy)
MANTOVANI Costanzo (Italy)
MARCHESINI Fabio (Italy)
MARTINELLI Angela (Italy)
MARZETTI Luca (Italy)
MASRI (Lebanon)
MASTROENI Cristina (Italy)
MENSHYKOVA Larysa (Germany)
MESCHIS Renzo (Italy)
MESISCA Romeo (Italy)
MILEO Gianni (Italy)
NOBILI Maria (Italy)
PAPPALARDO Piero (Italy)
PLAINETTI Fulvio (Italy)
RAMOS Tamara (USA)
ROSSETTI Chiara (Italy)
RUVOLO Giuseppe (Italy)
SCANNELLA Alessandro (Italy)
SERRETTI Franco (Italy)
SIGNORELLI Silvio (Italy)
SWATI Sara (Deutschland)
SWITALA Ewa (Poland)
TERRUSO Saverio (Italy)
TOGO (Italy)
TROMBINI Giuliano (Italia)
WAJERCZYK Adam (Poland)
WENDY Sara (Italy)
WU Lei (Cina)
ZAMBON Monica (Italy)
ZORZENON Elvio (Italy)
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Comments 11

Giuseppe Caspani
8 years ago
In bocca al lupo e complimenti per l'iniziativa!
Paul De Haan
8 years ago
Paul De Haan Artist
Un grandissimo in bocca al lupo per una riuscita esaltante!!! :o)
Rosy Mar Rosalba Marongiu
8 years ago
Buonasera, mi piacerebbe partecipare...posso avere indicazioni? Grazie
Anna Di Leo
8 years ago
Anna Di Leo Artist
Ho partecipato lo scorso anno: bellissima la mostra di Milazzo, ho donato e ho acquistato, e uscendo dal Paladiana ero felice perché in cuor mio sapevo di aver dato il mio piccolo contributo ad un grande e generoso progetto. Partecipate, amici artisti! Io ci sarò anche questa volta.
barbara berardicurti
8 years ago
Ci sarò anche quest'anno.
Shura Oyarce Yuzzelli
9 years ago
Io ci sono Giovanni!
Maristella  Angeli
9 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Vi auguro il pieno successo!
Teresa Palombini
9 years ago
Mille auguri per un sccesso mega anche per qust'anno!!
Teresa Pereyra
9 years ago
Ci sara senza altro una delle mie opere
9 years ago
Cat Photographer
Un belle initiative... tous mes voeux de réussite !
Anna Di Leo
9 years ago
Anna Di Leo Artist
Avrò il piacere di esserci anche quest'anno! A presto Giovanni.

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