Fairs, Italy, Padova, 09 November 2012
On the occasion of Arte Padova 2012 Artegiro proposes Fuoriposto, an interdisciplinary reflection around space, its cartographies and narratives and a re-negotiation of space through displacement.
Space and displacement, also within current and past migratory fluxes, their impossible maps, relics of objects and personal history, allow irrupting in “other” spaces, stopping and restarting: here is “the place”?
Where are we in the spaces and times we choose?Hope and a re-interpretation of place and out-of-place, proposes a new intellectual economy which is at the heart of the eight artists’ work. who ‘ translocally ’ explore it in different ways perhaps but with remarkable tenacity.
Fuoriposto is also an invitation to engage in dialogue with art and artists who will be present at Artegiro’s stand at different times

Renata Summo O’Connell
Artegiro Contemporary Art Director

Comments 2

Salvatore  Calì
11 years ago
Viva il LUPO !!! grazie mille... :)
Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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