The Balkans in Italy between identity, separation and integration Stories from a changing Italy INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST
Prize calls, Italy, Firenze, 04 July 2012
OXFAM Italia onlus, in collaboration with Fondazione Studio Marangoni and Tethys Gallery, promotes a Photography Contest called “The Balkans in Italy between identity, separation and integration – Stories from a changing Italy”. The photo contest is international and the submitted photographs must be taken in Italy. Italian and foreign authors can participate without limits of age. The competition foresees two sections:
A. Portfolio: authors can participate at this section with completed or ongoing photographic projects. The portfolio must contain from 10 to 15 photos. Additional documents are compulsory: text of the project (1,800 characters maximum) and brief biography of the author (500 characters maximum).
B. Single photo: authors can participate at this section with 1 (one) photo minimum, 3 photos maximum. No additional documents are required.
1. Application guidance notes and deadlines: all the material must be submitted to the email address: by the deadline of: 15th October 2012.
A. Portfolio Section: photographies, from 10 to 15, must be submitted in .jpg format with maximum 2,500 pixels on the longest side and 300 DPI of
A532;resolution. Every file must be renamed according to the following criteria: 001.name_surname.jpg and photos must be organized following a numerical order (001, 002, etc.). Texts (project+biography) must be submitted in .doc format and named as follows: 001.name_surname_project.doc and 002.name_surname_bio.doc. Files in different formats will be automatically excluded from the contest.
B. Single photo Section: photos, from 1 to 3, must be submitted in .jpg format with maximum 2,500 pixels on the longest side and 300 DPI of resolution. Every file must be renamed according to the following criteria: 001.name_surname.jpg and photos must be organized following a numerical order (001, 002, etc.). Files in different formats will be automatically excluded from the Contest.
2. Registration fee: for the Portfolio Section €25, for the Single Photo Section €15. This registration fee should be paid simultaneously to the sending of materials. The amount paid will be a donation to the humanitarian projects of Oxfam Italia onlus, therefore it is tax-deductible. You can pay in different ways:
Headed to Oxfam Italia onlus with Reason for payment Donazione Concorso Fotografico
On line at inserting the amount value and selecting the category “Concorso Fotografico” by credit card or PayPal
Bank Transfer to Banca Etica
IBAN IT03Y0501802800000000102000 Headed to Oxfam Italia onlus with Reason for payment Donazione Concorso Fotografico
In case the Bank Transfer occurs from an account which is NOT established in the name of author, the Reason for payment must include the surname of the author “Surname Donazione Concorso Fotografico”
3. Prizes: the 3 (three) prize winners of the Portfolio Section and the 3 (three) prize winners of the Single Photo Section will be awarded a t-shirt with the logo of the initiative. The following prizes will also be awarded:
A. Portfolio Section:
• First Prize: the winner will receive logistical support and accommodation for 1 week in one of the project areas in the Balkans where Oxfam Italia onlus works for the realization of a photography project to be realized by December 2013.
• Second prize: a voucher valid for a photography workshop at Fondazione Studio Marangoni, to be used by December 2013.
• Thirdprize:a€100,00vouchervalidforaphotographycourseat Fondazione Studio Marangoni, to be used by December 2013.
A532;B. Single Photo Section:
• First Prize: a voucher of € 100,00 valid for a photography course at Fondazione Studio Marangoni, to be used by December 2013, and the printing of the selected photo.
• Second and Third Prize: the printing of the selected photo.
4. Prize giving and other events: The prize giving will take place on the 29th of November 2012 at the Odeon Cinema of Florence in conjunction with the film show Balkan Florence Express, during the 50 Days of International Cinema manifestation. From the 24th of November to the 6th of December, Tethys Gallery will host a photography exhibition with the works of photographers who have worked in the Balkans. For the entire length of the exhibition, a slideshow with the winners and a selection of the best works will be projected. On the 27th of November 2012 photographer Mario Boccia will give a talk on his work in the Balkans as a reporter at the Fondazione Studio Marangoni Gallery.
5. Preliminary selection: all the works will be evaluated by a Selecting Committee of Oxfam Italia onlus, Fondazione Studio Marangoni and Tethys representatives. The Committee will select the best 20 works for the Portfolio Section and the best 30 works for the Single Photo Section. This preliminary selection will be examined and chosen by a Jury of Experts composed by Renata Ferri (photo editor Io Donna), Tiziana Faraoni (photo editor Gruppo L’Espresso) and Mario Boccia (photographer). that will meet and take final decisions on the 10th of November 2012.
6. Content of the works and responsibility: authors assume full responsibility for the content of their photos. Works detrimental of common decency and containing advertising/political/religious references will be excluded from the Contest. Oxfam Italia onlus, Fondazione Studio Marangoni and Tethys remind all the authors that images representing children and/or recognizable people require the specific authorization established by law. The participants, sending their photos, implicitly declare to possess all the necessary authorizations from the people represented in the images.
7. Copyright: the authors implicitly declare to be copyright and all rights holders, to be the only responsible for the content of the photos. They consider the organizers, Oxfam Italia onlus, Fondazione Studio Marangoni and Tethys, no liable for any kinds of problems, therefore they cannot ask for reimbursement and raise the organizers from any claims made by third parties in relation to the violation of rights. The participant allows Oxfam Italia onlus, Fondazione Studio Marangoni and Tethys to reproduce the images for didactic, diffusion and advertisement uses in web and editorial publications with non for profit purposes. The winner of the Portfolio Section allows Oxfam Italia onlus to reproduce the photos taken in the Balkans thanks to its support (see First Prize description) for didactic, diffusion and advertisement uses in web and editorial publications with non for profit purposes.
8. Contest’s decisions: decisions of both the Selecting Committee and the Experts Jury are unappellable and the participation to the Contest implies the unconditional acceptance of these Rules.
9. Treatment of personal data: in accordance to the Law n.196/2003, every participant agrees with the use of his/her personal data within the strict limits of the goals for which they were collected. Participants authorize Oxfam Italia onlus, Fondazione Studio Marangoni and Tethys to send them all the communications related to the Contest’s activities by email. At any stage, it is possible to modify or delete personal data by sending a letter by recorded delivery or email.

Comments 4

Bärbel Reinhard
12 years ago
crepi! grazie mille!
Gianpaolo Marchesi
12 years ago
Complimenti e un grande in bocca al lupo!
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Piero Lerda
12 years ago
Piero Lerda Artist
complimenti e in bocca al lupo

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