Press release:
A new project the martinelli-art has developed: national artists are guests in art events in the territories of emilia Romagna recovering historical artistic beauties of the territory.A marriage where contemporary art joins the historic art of discovering museums, churches, and minor artists.Many will have the opportunity to be published in the newspaper created by martinelli-art that encompasses the various cultural events of the territories that have joined the initiative.The newspaper was sponsored by UNESCO in Bologna, the municipalities and the proloco di Vergato and Sasso Marconi. the various stages will be resumed by an operator. In developing the TV series which will be aired in the regional time 24 cafes to be allocated. The school of the art school of Bologna will be exhibiting with our artists presenting their project as a designer. Guest artists: maestro Renato Mneghetti with its x-ray, Cecilia Martinelli with its futuristic women, sculptor Salvatore Grillos with feminine beauty, Marino Lakshmi with her work space and Cosmos, Dayse Rodrigues with his photos, Annalisa Gheller with his nature, Angela Martinelli with fantastic landscapes, Gabriella Bertarelli with light and color within its artistic representation.A Union of artists that deserve to be visited by representing the evolution of artistic painting art of the future.
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