In the details of the formal decomposition, between rhythm and light, arboreal elements, arabesques of flowers, water birds, ground, air, homes visions of human facial expressions, comes together in a creative way the image of his pictorial research.
Actually I'm some kind of amulet or talisman which requires uninterrupted temptations. Painted with tempera paints sanded and in shades of gray that overlap in transparency, without a particular perspective, on poplar boards, the geometric neonaturalismo, informal, figurative, stylized and pure operates a reoccupation of all the passages and space interstices .
And 'as if it sprang from an image another in a game of joints and magic magician. Each work contains a movement that at times it seems that the painting come towards us or moving away to who knows what shores.
The entire work is like a story or a fairy tale that we never get tired of rereading. A figurative narrative and imaginative reality that becomes suggestion on how to look at things around us and what they mean to the community and love.
Things appear on the surface that seems to have seen miles of times, but here it seems to discover with new eyes.
To read us around, we hear the opening of a space and an absolute time where to move following a precise trajectory and tense. It seems that the radial symmetry of the structure, between the intersection of the oblique lines, continually change the viewing angle between enveloping gestures and light cones.
Dal Forno addresses various subjects but prefers to paint the wings because they allow greater color breakdown.
In "indissoluble bond", in a symbiosis between flowers and the air that envelops them like an impalpable tissue paper.
orange color accents and red brick to "The gift of light" that shows landscapes and daily special.
In couple with child of "natural and divine protection", the sense of the sacred that can come from instinct and God's Heaven.
tenderness soft "The embrace" with its wraparound, sinuous lines.
While in "Man nature of salvation symbiosis" it rains a light from above to illuminate the hope on earth and in the hereafter. Pride of birth and admiration for the place of origin in "A saint, a castle, a fountain: my country" where, over the arches,
a sacred image blesses men and things. In "The Higgs: reason or faith," an infinity look for answers.
In "Ali with nest" a tender maternal embrace.
A return to childhood and the magic of the Nativity in "Images of Christmas with star and Holy Family."
It seems to rise up and feel the warmth of our closest star in "The chariot of the sun. Vera Meneguzzo
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