Exhibitions, Italy, Milano, Bollate, 13 September 2012
The exhibition which will open on Thursday, September 13th, 2012 at 6:30 pm in the spaces of Fabbrica Borroni, is an exhibition where the visitors become an essential part of the exhibition path itself. The artist is Andrea Martinucci, already defined by critics as a young promise of Italian contemporary art, and the exhibition is RE-AZIONE (RE-ACTION).

It is the first individual art show in Milan for this roman artist and not only, because RE-AZIONE is also a social art project which Andrea has launched on the web, inviting other ten artists to join him, which will be presented, for the first time to an audience and to insiders, with a catalogue and an open debate in the Sala delle Colonne of Fabbirca Borroni, on Friday, September 14th at 6 pm.

The exhibition is under the patronage of the Regione Lombardia and the Provincia di Milano and of Amnesty International, because of the social relevance of the issues it deals with, it was also made with the contribution of the Municipality of San Cesareo and the help of the cultural association Famiglia Margini. Sponsored by Progeo and Palladino Editore. Media-partner EQUIPèCO.


The exhibition project sets off from the facts happened during the spring 2011 protests in Egypt, which witnessed the arrest of seventeen young women because they were found, after the protests, in a camp together with male protesters. The women were incarcerated and they underwent insults, violence and abuses from the same policemen, in a room with doors and windows opening on the street, facing the indifference of people passing by. At show, a double installation, which recreates the condition faced in that room, invites the visitor to interact and be integrally part of the exhibition route, for to regain the relational dimension of existence.

In the first two rooms, seventeen white wooden blocks, with sides of twenty centimeters long, fixed along the walls and plunged in an everyday life context through audio-installations playing sounds from a city, treasure in their inside seventeen ink drawings, acrylic paintings and photographs on paper, a different one for every single cube, one for each of the seventeen women tortured and abused. On the outside of the blocks, the side that dialogues directly with the viewer, there is a hole, the one and only opening through which it is possible to see the inside scenes. The viewer will therefore function as a witness, exactly in the same way as the people who were passing by those rooms with open doors and windows. A function that is amplified by the particular viewing mechanism, and that makes him face a choice: getting his eye closer to the hole and becoming part of the inside scene, or stopping at the surface of the block, avoiding involvement.

In the third room the visitor enters in a two-meter cube, made up only of its skeleton lit up by a spotlight, becoming himself part of the vision, in the same way as the seventeen women in that room. In a condition of instability and insecurity, determined by the absence of walls and amplified by the kind of light, he is called upon to be held responsible of what he viewed in the former rooms and re-act to that overbearing situation. There is only one choice: staying inside the structure or, thanks to the absence of walls, get out and accomplish an action which expresses his will of re-action.


RE-AZIONE (RE-ACTION) is an independent and travelling project that has eleven artists, Andrea Martinucci, Paolo Angelosanto, Pietro Mancini, Lisa Wade, Giovanna Lacedra, Daniel Silvo, Angelo Bellobono, Tiziana Contino, Gea Casolaro, Filippo Riniolo and Fabrizio Ajello/Christian Costa – Spazi Docili, working together for the first time to share their common goal: to state once more, through projects stimulating real community awareness, that doing art means activating civic-mindedness and sense of critic responsibility.

An adventure started on last May 12th with the launch of an online user interface, Re-Azione, and a facebook page, reazionartesociale, on which every two weeks has been presented and shared the project of each artist, to make people aware of how art can relate with the material world – with the identity and traditions of a country, with mental or physical disorders, with a multicultural world or even with economics or an eco-friendly world, with emotions, with imprisonment, with tough issues such as abortion, with modernization – and how art can create alternative ways of life. In a world of uncertainties and transition, in which there seems lack of a security net, Re-Azione wants to create this net and put on show an art that can end this vicious circle created by a social model emphasizing individuality and diminishing the love for others, for the ‘diverse’. An ambitious challenge which, in the months following the presentation, will see the participation of new artists and new exhibition spaces.


Andrea Matinucci lives in Roma. He attended Multimedia Design at the Accademia delle Nuove Tecnologie of Rome. Events of the past years: Cartabianca 2012, National Contemporary Art Museum of Villa Croce, Genoa, by Silvia Cina, with the help of Francesca Serrati, contemporary view and Black; Quadratonomade, 2012, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, by 100% periferia; 6 UGUALE 9, 2011, Galleria Nuvole Arte, Montesarchio, by Domenico Maria Papa; PAPIROFLEXIA, 2011, Aratro, Campobasso by Lorenzo Canova; Young Forever,2011, Palazzo della Cultura, Modica, by Francesco Lucifora; Arte Laguna Award 2011, Arsenale di Venezia, by Igor Zanti; NEXT_GENERATION 2010, Galleria San Lorenzo, Milan, by Ivan Quaroni; AUFHEBUNG, 2010, Spazio 1:1 projects , Rome by Cecilia Canziani and Maria Rosa Sossai.


Fabbrica Borroni originates from a project of Eugenio Borroni, collector and fond of art, which had the aim of giving birth to a place capable of hosting his collection and work for the promotion of young Italian art. Its cultural activity is vary and intense, starting from the visit of the Borroni Collection (more than 500 art works of young Italian artists) to the exhibitions dedicated to the young art, to the partnership with the regional area in order to enhance the entrenchment of culture and the openness to new ideas.


Famiglia Margini is a cultural association and contemporary art gallery that supports an active movement of artistic avant-garde, meeting point of people that still believe in the possibility of sharing existential paths.


Personal Exhibition and social art project by: Andrea Martinucci
Schedule: from Sept 13th – to Oct 4th - Free entry
Vernissage: Thursday, September 13th, 2012 at 6.30 pm
Debate and project presentation: Friday September 14th 2012 at 6:00 pm
Venue: Fabbrica Borroni, Via Matteotti 19, Bollate (MI)
Time and opening days: Mon -Wed: on appointment; Thur – Fri from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm; Sat – Sun: 3:00 pm to 8pm – free entry

Under the patronage of: Regione Lombardia e Provincia di Milano
Under the patronage of: Amnesty International
With the contribution of: Comune di San Cesareo
With the partnership of: Associazione Culturale Famiglia Margini

Sponsor: Progeo e Palladino Editore
Media Partner: EQUIPèCO

Andrea Martinucci:

Press office: FLPress Flavia Lanza ph: 340_9245760

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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