Landscapes and omens ... with Luana Raia
Exhibitions, Italy, Napoli, 20 July 2012
To all those who want to exhibit with me in this very important occasion:
DEA_Design, energy and environment

The MAGMA_Museum, select artists for the exhibition of contemporary art and design of recycling called: LANDSCAPES AND PRESAGI_la perception of nature in the age of technology.

The exhibition is part of the event DEA (Design, Energy and Environment), which aims at national, as a qualifying event dedicated to the environment and landscape.

The exhibition will last all summer, enriched by lectures, debates, concerts and shows, even though the peak tourist is scheduled July 20 to 23, 2012, through a three-day exhibition - exhibition that dipanerà between art, nature, technologies for the environment, green architecture, history and flavors.

Curators, critics, gallerists, dealers and publishers will be directly affected by the organization or invited to the event. The event takes place in the area during the period when you reach the peak of tourism, which, combined with widespread communication provided, supported by our partners, provides a clear and constant visibility for our exhibitors.
The best works in this exhibition will re-enter the permanent collection, while their artists, with other works to be agreed, may be included in the commercial dell'AVANTGARDE_GALLERY, which operates in the field of art and design, including that of recycling.

Sections provided
Visual arts: painting, photography, digital art, sculpture, installations, environmental art, performance, fashion, video.
Design for recycling: indoor and outdoor furniture, fashion and accessories.

Thematic section of Art and Design for Recycling
Much of the art movements emerged in recent decades theorizes total waterproof work of art in any instance mimetic or representational. But there are those who, from positions not exactly "rearguard", seems to have come to theorize the opposite. Edward Hopper, for example (one of the fathers of American realism), in an interview he stated: I am not a soothsayer, but in the coming years it is easy to predict a revolt against the invention of an arbitrary design and stylized. We will try again to capture the events of nature, his moods. Born a new wonder and a new humility. We the organizers of the survey data we have not any answers, but we are confident that the proposed topic is among the most topical and challenging to lay on the table. The event, therefore, is open to all types of contributions and all forms of expression, provided that the works started showing symptoms of a problematic approach to the issue of the relationship Uomo_Natura _Futuro.

Membership no later than June 2.
To receive information on how to expose as an individual artist, style groups, association, gallery or studio, please email:
cell. 349/2335935

Comments 5

Giancarlo Caporali
12 years ago
In bocca al lupo!!
Luana Raia
12 years ago
Luana Raia Artist
Crepi il lupo e ancora grazie.
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Luana Raia
12 years ago
Luana Raia Artist
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Tous mes voeux !

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