Exhibitions, Italy, Palermo, 19 December 2010
Charity Events Asin'Art 2010 - Castelbuono (Pa) - Italia

December 19 for Asin'Art 2010

Warning! ... is starting ASINART 2010 - second edition

Event organizer and creator: Claudio Polizzano info@asinart.it

Everything is born from a passion for donkey's daughter Cecilia, who for years it has found a companion who helped her to be much safer, and courageous.
It was for her a true friend of games, long walks, a huge living doll that can make her feel strong emotions.

From this positive experience, today many children with mental retardation and Down, living the same kind of relationship with the donkeys. An animal forgotten by many adults, is now being rediscovered for help many children.

Through the intervention of you, your creativity and sensitivity, we want to create a Exhibition where the donkey is the protagonist.

We ask artists to donate their work where the donkey is the protagonist.
It may be a painting, sculpture, graphic design or digital art.

The works will be exhibited, not only during the Event on December 19, 2010, but exhibitions will be organized in various cities, with the aim to raise awareness and raise funds.
In the project there 's also the creation of a permanent museum that collects all the works.
All donations will go to the Association Raggio di Sole of Castelbuono that every day with his activities brings a smile to these children. In website of AsinArt, you can enter all the information about the projects and the association "Raggio di Sole".

All artists can take part at this Charity Events...donating one work

The theme of the work is the donkey...

Your work with a short biography and a link to your personal website will be incorporates to the Asin'Art website.

The address to send the artistic work with your biography is:

Claudio Polizzano
Piazza Matteotti, n° 1
90013 Castelbuono (PA) - Italy

The address to send the folder with picture of your work, short biography and your personal website link is:


...let me know if you are interested to take part at the donation'Art...thank you.

For information:
Daniele Gori

Comments 2

 Alessandra Lampiasi
14 years ago
SPero di esserci..credo proprio di si!grazie!
Daniele Gori
14 years ago
Daniele Gori Artist
I participate......you also do this

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