Caixas pretas sobre cubo branco
Exhibitions, Brazil, Recife, 10 August 2010
Project Italy-Brazil cultural exchange.

Text G.P. Manfredini
"The contemporary Operation Black Box, AMPLEX proposed by the Group, is also sought by the unexpected attention of the" game. "Pipe with a lightness and levity with something that is intriguing.
Then there is the specious name of the Brazilian group.
Perhaps, in Brazilian language, the term AMPLEX of Latin etymology, has something in Italian that could be more literary embrace of the narrow, twisting, rather than common mating sexual intercourse.
The fact remains that the perceptual component, emotional is the work of the group and receives a reflection arcane, almost erotic psychoanalytically. It appears, therefore, a bit 'destabilizing effect on the observer.
The delicate uniqueness of mini and micro-production is in the artists' ability to continually renew their inspiration and their radical experiments with modesty and charm, vision and aesthetic and recreational dives in deep against the mass media hypertrophy imaginative pollution .
By not subject to the usual barrage of colors, lines, shapes, horror plenipotentiaries redundancy (or empty), seem almost ... make fun of states and experiential viewpoints conventional poetic setting up minimal space for the entertainment of visitors who are to observe the collection.
A collection consisting of microcosms, mental archetypes of moves through which artists come to terms with the world and our eternal fragility and limitations, that make us suffer, but who are also our joie de vivre.

1. A & L (espólio Aleph) - Recife
2. Ana Cristina Cavalcanti - Recife
3. Ana Lúcia Gonçalves - Recife
4. Ana Marta Austin - Brasília
5. André Aquino - Recife
6. André Dória - Recife
7. Angela Pellicanò - Italia
8. Angélica Borges - Recife
9. Brás Marinho - Recife
10. Clédna Ribeiro - Recife
11. Concetta Perlini - Italia
12. Cristiane Moura - Recife
13. Demetrio Enne - Italia
14. Domenico Bolano e GPM - Italia
15. Eduardo Souza - Recife
16. Emerson Pontes - Abreu e Lima PE
17. Enza Vitamia - Italia
18. Francesco Scialò - Italia
19. Giovani Longo - Italia
20. Giulio Manglaviti - Italia
21. Inga Scharf da Silva - Berlim, Alemanha
22. João Ninguém - Italia
23. Josias Scharf - Berlim, Alemanha
24. Lais Castro - Recife
25. Lasi de Souza - Recife
26. Luigi Menichelli e Mario Carfagna - Italia
27. Manuel Romário - Recife
28. Maria Teresa Oliva - Italia
29. Matteo Laganà - Italia
30. Melania Aitolo - Italia
31. Mônica Palhares - Brasília
32. Natina Pizzi - Italia
33. Paolo Genoese - Italia
34. Paolo Albanese - Italia
35. Pino Labarbera - Italia
36. Rodrigo Braga - Recife
37. Rosario Napoli - Italia
38. Stefania Pennacchio - Italia
39. Suzana Azevedo - Recife
40. Taciana Coimbra - Italia
41. Tereza Goulart - Recife

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Comments 2

14 years ago
Oh God I just LOVE this one.."My Life"! Fantastic !!
Sonia Viccaro
14 years ago
Sonia Viccaro Artist
mi piace questo lavoro di gruppo lavoro originale.

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