Art and the Mountain
Exhibitions, Italy, Milano, 03 December 2008
The 1st International Competition Exhibition Mini Print and Ex Libris - 2008

The scope of the contemporary art is a significant split of that cultural fertility that, especially between of Sixties and Seventies, made of Milan and Lombardia creative crucible among the most significant in Europe.
A real "place of the art", characterized by a artistic expressivity, certainly varied, but shared the artisanal care, typical of the lombard tradition, for the materials and techniques, always lived as a high of communication.
This vocation, that was also the ability to deliver new trends and promote young artists seem to have recently tarnished, because to lack of, inter alia, those institutional supports for "making system".
A recent hearing has recorded 36 museums of contemporary art, 33 already open to the public and 3 subject to interventions being made for the opening to the public and new and important museums will be carried out in Milan within 2015, the date scheduled for the Expo.
Do not forget that the post-war period to date, Milan has come to life and grow a variety of artists painters, sculptors and important graphics that it would be proper to recover and make known to a wider audience because are artists that have become significant in national and European, but that the current system of art has dropped into oblivion.
Just think - would be very many - the sculptors Mario Negri, Umberto Milani, and painters - graphic Gastone Novelli, Gianni Dova, Gianfranco Ferroni, Luca Crippa, Ennio Morlotti, Bruno Munari, Bruno Cassinari and many others that it is impossible to list here.
Compared to other Italian cities, Milan has the highest number of contemporary art galleries, foundations more interesting, a large number of cultural associations for the promotion of art, academies, other major auction houses, public and private prestigious schools, refineds art graphics printers, a collecting more careful, a young artistic community from every nation, a famous publishing specialist.
Milan boasts the presence of the most famous architects, photographers, designers, and is considered the capital of fashion. Many are the universities and training institutions.
All this is not enough to make dynamic and vital sector specific and is from these premises, of that non-profit associations such as the Italian Alpine Club, that has chosen to exploit the theme of the mountain proposing the theme paths in graphs and artistic exhibitions held annually in the world.
It’s established that the promotion and rehabilitation every two or three years of events related to contemporary art, focusing on trends and new languages of contemporary art, could contribute greatly to increase the cultural tourism and give bach to the city of Milan a European role.
It is a strategic enhancement of this humus, which was confirmed by a spontaneous choice made in recent years, which has pushed many young artists from various European countries and other continents to choose Milan and its hinterland as a ideal place for training and Experimenting pathways for research, identifying it as an ideal link between the concreteness of the nordic world and the mediterranean creativity.
Specifically, the Italian Alpine Club section of Milan and the Italian Group of Mountain Writers have deemed it necessary to give a signal.
Anywhere in the world there are awards for years, biennial or triennial, which are designed to enhance the world of graphic art, creating cultural exchanges between peoples. Now no more, but also in Milan in the past have existed awards and reviews of the sort.
Art and Mountain is a very topical theme, with which the Italian Alpine Club section of Milan, has developed a competition open to artists from around the world without any restriction of age, residence or anything, nor discrimination and the free participation and wide as possible in order to make known to all the world the mountain in all its aspects.
The theme chosen concerns the mountains, their natural and human environment, mountaineering and mountain sports, through a liberal interpretation of the argument.
Like the first edition of the Mountain Art Award 2008, joined 315 artists from 53 nations sending works of ex libris and graphics.
The jury composed of experts decided to admit the exibition all the works arrived with on 30 September 2008, even those in single copy or different techniques provided by the announcement.
The catalogue will not be realized because there was no economic sponsorships, but only Tutorship, and therefore, alternatively will be produced a brochure which subsequently ceased to show, will be sent to all participants.
The jury, with results to 30 January 2009, aims to select and highlight the works that were recognized "outstanding and alert", for technical merit particular, at the high level of professionalism and expertise of graphics performance, innovation, for the invention of the composition and original creativity expressed.

Beyond the horizon: the signs
The iconographic bet of the artists participating is given continuously by a horizon, and the sign becomes the personal soul of everyone to realize.
Art and the Mountain is the theme that collects important in identifying himself, no fewer than 315, equal to the number of artists, from 53 nations, have responded to provocation dictated by the difficult and happy topic of the mountain and its places that speak of beauty.
The interpretation of this horizon is in reality a tension to overcome themselves, not only in the technical style, but especially in the wisdom communicative proposal, as simple as it difficult to climb, but never wild or insidious.
The sign is simultaneously source of a reading and proposal of the same idyll, and the artists on this challenge have richly contributed with personal idea of verticality, to fix the testimonies of their feeling, and to develop, across the border, their horizons: today - thankfully - even ours.
The extension of the event, the sign of limited on paper, is not a time of loss in revealing new spaces, fecundity of inspiration or cultural contributions; response is immediate and, in some ways, storm, of the same track on the investigation on the visual reference(accomplice a strong and bold formal feeling).
The mountain, in its many readings and derivations, was represented here with original elaborations, which have undoubtedly helped to change the morphology, the perception and the orographic archetypes with logic thematic coherence.
The personal vision of a common consolidated topos, thanks to this first international exhibition in Milan, has been transformed into a wonderfully wide proposal for new and different horizons, with abstract productions, sensitive and metalingual, absolutely original and fascinating, for endless fascination: the same they do emerge by each artist - a scene open and with her eyes looking indefinitely - spells of color, words inspired, oneiric unexpected impulses.
The constructs, fed in their various forms, are remarkable tribute not only to the theme, certainly not trivial but certainly repeated, even at that difficult mission that knowledge is not uniform, that culture, especially that which is beyond the border that is indeed all mental and unpublished space each new creative passion.
The free version on the paper expansions, that were regulated by the limit of the A4, is in any event guarantee for new erratic models and chromatic biologie coming even from distant worlds, which reject sudden out and nonsense of the elective vision and give hope, in the crisis, on reflection, made of people really close to common sense, in any geographic area.
The gesture communicative, in the individual pragmatic language, crosses the horizon - and the mountain is demanding choice - up to consider the presence of intense symbols, 315, as the self-challenging, donors and conquerors of this exciting race, without distortions, and further clarity on their imagination, to caress soft and fragrant that, in any case, is not lost in the air, resulting in no way anonymous and heavy.

Milano, CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) - MAPP (Museo d’Arte Paolo Pini
3 December 2008 - January 30, 2009

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