from Dialettica delle Tendenze to Verifica 8+1 Protagonists
Exhibitions, Switzerland, Distretto di Lugano, Lugano, 02 February 2017
From next February 2, 2017 until April 6, at the TAG Gallery TheArtGallery of Lugano will be hosted an exhibition unique and of crucial importance to narrate the history of the kinetic and planned European art, which has had its chronological and artistic peak in the group of Dialettica delle Tendenze (dialectic of trends) and the natural progression in Verifica (check) 8+1.
The exhibition, curated by critics and historians of art Dorian Cara and Willy Montini, with the precious collaboration of Nicoletta Pavan, revealed through the exhibition of more than 30 unique works, and that will be exhibited for the first time outside of Italy, the story of those artists who came together to seek and deepen personal reflections born around to stimuli dictated by kinetic and programmed art, spreading to Europe, starting from the mid-50s.
Since 1965, thanks to the theoretical contributions and the intellectual support of critics Domenico Cara and Toni Toniato, in the wake of the fascinations of kinetic and programmed European art, a group of Venetian artists: Sara Campesan, Franco Costalonga, Guido Baldessari, Oddino Guarnieri, Marilla Battilana, Sergio Bigolin, Danilo Dordit, Jacques Engel, Marino and Romano Perusini, marked an important and unique moment in the history of contemporary art, reinterpreting the concept of avant-garde and giving us unique art objects for elaborations and meanings.
Some of those same artistic intent will return, with renewed critical spirit and creative genius, in Verifica 8+1, a group composed by historical artists Sara Campesan and Franco Costalonga, together with new energy of Nadia Costantini, Nino Ovan, Aldo Boschin, Maria Teresa Onofri, Mariapia Fanna Roncoroni, Rolando Strati, with the coordination of Sofia Gobbo. Verifica 8+1, operating from 1978 to 2008, it has used an experimental space for the arts totally self-managed, becoming a meeting point and dialogue between artists coming from everywhere, involved in the search for new languages.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a detailed catalog, the first important document ever been created on the two artistic groups, with contributions taken from the historiography and critical research of Dorian Cara and Nicoletta Pavan, with the presentation of Willy Montini and a description of the works of Gabriele Romeo.
The exhibition will present works of: Guido Baldessari, Aldo Boschin, Sara Campesan, Franco Costalonga, Nadia Costantini, Nino Ovan, Oddino Guarnieri. One section will be dedicated to other important contemporary artists of the two groups that have marked the time: Alberto Biasi, Augustine Bonalumi, Enrico Castellani, Gianni Colombo, Edoardo Landi, Hugo Demarco, Bruno Munari, Francisco Sobrino.
The exhibition, created with the intent to compare outcomes of the two languages and research experiences, finally allows to reconstruct a story perhaps little known but fascinating, wondering for quality, originality and variety of the works presented in a chronological insight into the artistic culture of more than 50 years.

TAG TheArtGallery
3, via Carlo Frasca 6900 Lugano - Switzerland
2 February - 6 April 2017
Opening: Thursday, February 2, h. 18:00
times: 10-18 - free admission

Dorian Cara +39 338 9050947 /
ArtCom +39 346 2315972 / +39 041 5950322 /
TAG TheArtGallery +41(0)919214775 / / / #TAGlugano

Organisational support Artcom - Venezia
Catalogue Umberto Allemandi & C.

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