Essentiality. Profiles and other faces
Exhibitions, Italy, Bergamo, Romano di Lombardia, 14 May 2016
We are invaded by images, it is undeniable. They affect our lives and sometimes the judgment on it, and compromise the truth and essence, thanks to the freedom of interpretation that arises from the personal experience of reality, or the desire to turn it to your liking, benevolently or maliciously.
What remains then? Or rather how we can help support a weak truth? Perhaps those same images, possible micro stories of realities that give approximate particle of simplicity, but if you look carefully, allow to communicate small daily undeniable truth, made of gestures, profiles and nomadic looks.
The real horizons are those of our daily lives, like those of the subjects of this project, narrated in the mountains of Bhutan, the Cambodian countryside, the mosques of Iran and India, the Ethiopian Coptic churches, the Portuguese beaches, urban realities of Cuba , Uzbekistan, Germany, China, Norway, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Morocco.

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