Exhibitions, Italy, Bari, 12 April 2021
From 12 to 30 April 2021 for the Art exhibition in showcase the Center of Art and Culture 'L. da Vinci 'in Bari-S.Spirito presents ESTETICA a work by the artist Rosario Mercuri that unifies in itself three significant currents of contemporary art: material, conceptual, Dadaism.

"The author - from the description made by Prof. Mauro Mezzina - reveals as an inauthentic fact of reality a partially covered tie, concealed by plaster, which denounces the inertia, sclerosis and emptiness of etiquette and social appearances of a sophisticated world of 'brand', now inflated and stereotypical, fixed as a mathematical datum: two plus two equals four. Against the cult of money, against the apotheosis of beauty, against the vulgarity and stupidity of the continuous eroticization of the gadget object , of the signed nude, against the madness, however interplanetary, of technology, Rosario Mercuri offers, offers a rose as a remedy and panacea for all evils and instead of weaving a vague praise of madness, he lays the foundations builds the premises for a praise of poetry (ut pictura poesis). "

Rosario Mercuri, multifaceted and versatile artist, cultural animator and poet, was born in Leonforte (Enna) in 1958; he graduated in 1977 from the State Art School of Bari, then attended the Academy of Fine Arts and the faculty of literature and philosophy. He made his debut and actively participated in national artistic life since 1979. In April 1996 he was the founder of the "Free Art Movement" in Bari. His works are present in public and private collections. He lives and works in the Holy Spirit.

The exhibition can be visited in total safety with regard to anti-Covid regulations as the display case of the Art Center is: external, at street level and on view.

Rosario Mercuri - Aesthetics
From 12 to 30 April 2021
Showcase Center of art and culture L. Da Vinci
Santo Spirito, Via G. Verdi 7, 70127 (BA)
Days and opening hours
Seven / seven, 24/24 h
Website: https://centrodarteleonardodavinci.blogspot.com/

Curated by Leonardo Basile and the L. Da Vinci Association of Bari S.Spirito

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