Zino - Codex
Exhibitions, Italy, Ascoli Piceno, San Benedetto del Tronto, 14 November 2015
On Saturday 14th November Marconi Gallery of Cupra Marittima presents the second appointment of What’s on today? Codex, sole exhibition by Zino will be opened at 6 p.m. Zino is the winner of the first edition of Cuprarte, organized by the Town and Pro Loco of Cupra Marittima.The exposition, organized by Marconi Gallery and Marche Centro d’Arte, with the cooperation of the Town and Pro Loco of Cupra Marittima, is cured by Giuliana Benassi, who is also author of the critical text.

Codex is the second appointment of the series What’s on today? Which is is Marconi Gallery 2015/2016 exposition season. Marconi Gallery is in 7, c.so Vittorio Emanuele II at Cupra Marittima. Zino exhibition can be visited till 5th Decenber 2015 with the following times: from Monday to Saturday 4,30-7,30 p.m.

“After having taken part to 2015 Expo of Marche Centro d’Arte and having won the first edition of Cuprarte with New Faiths work, Zino presents his sole exposition which wants to show the theme of the “codex” ( suggested in the title) as an alternative study of the images world that he has always investigated, through his more recent works.
The almost playful use of Lego, applied as in a sculpture to the photo images or to objects, becomes for Zino an aesthetic ploy to reflect on one of the most universal aspects of our contemporary world: decoding the digital image as spectrum and mirror of a world made of pixels, bits, data, strings and complex algorithms. A reverse trip in the iconologic mechanism of the image, where the relationship signifier-meaning is reversed with a different aesthetic practice verged to decompose or “erode” the image till nearly to be willing to redraw the DNA.
The repertoire of images and objects chosen by Zino is coming from the web world, from photographic reproduction of familiar objects or elements easily recognizeble. All the exposition works, from the glimpse of an office monitor to the coffee mocha, from the sparkling colours of a drag queen to the world map, parade passing from the dynamic magnification of a detail to the dematerialization of the image itself: from one hand they force the visitor to complete the figurative works elements of the works with his eye, on the other hand they invite him to”play” using the Aurasma application, that can make the augmented reality of the image”. (Giuliana Benassi)

“I don’t remember all what I have done in these years, but I remember very well all the artists I have worked with, the pleasure of the discussions about art and life, cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Marconi Gallety gave me much, a rich and fashinating human and professional journey, which is closely intertwined with my life, even if it isn’t all my life. I think about my affections, my home and the ones who attend it . I think I have done much, but I think I still have a lot to say and I will not give up any of this. It’s in this spuirit that I asked myself What’s on today? Now I just wait for the answer. (Franco Marconi)

Zino – Codex

scheda tecnica/technical card

curatore/curator by Giuliana Benassi
testo critico/art critic by Giuliana Benassi

ufficio stampa/press agent by Dario Ciferri
traduzione di/translation by Patrizia Isidori
relazioni esterne e promozione delle attività/ external relationship and promotion of activities
Nikla Cingolani

fotografia/photography Stefano Capocasa – Catia Panciera
allestimenti/preparation Andrea Fontana

dal 14 novembre al 5 dicembre
from 14th November to 5th Devember
orario: lunedì-sabato dalle 16 alle 19.30
opening time: Mon-Sat 4 to 7.30 p.m.

Con il supporto di Ostello degli Artisti: http://www.appartamenti-cupramarittima.com

Galleria Marconi di Franco Marconi
C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 70
63064 Cupra Marittima (AP)
tel 0735778703

web http://galleriamarconi.it/
e-mail galleriamarconi@vodafone.it
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/galleriamarconi
twitter https://twitter.com/GalleriaMarconi

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