Lights on Art
Exhibitions, Italy, Padova, 17 December 2016
International Christmas Art Exhibition –

The New Event of QueenArtStudio Gallery at Papafava of Carraresi Palace Permanent Exhibition Centre of the Gallery, in Padua from 17th to 30th December 2016
An international Christmas Exhibition with a Silent Auction of certain success, during Christmas Holidays, that is the excellent time for shopping and for the centre of Padua where is our location, which will fill with people and visitors.

Art lovers, collectors, fans, can range and take advantage of the exclusive Silent Auction, between the interesting works of well known Artists also from the international point of view and from the good emerging art from different techniques and styles like as: dreams of art by ADALGISA DE ANGELIS, the history in the oils by ALBERTO MESIANO, the informal and materic style of paintings by ALESSANDRO SBROGIÒ, the hand carving on wood by ANTONIO MORESCO, the photographic emotions by BARBARA HEART(ERTA), the naive hyperrealism by BRUNO GRECO (Brown777 B.G.), the wood that takes new form by CARLO MAGGIOLO, the enthusiasm of abstractionism by CLAUDIA PERRUSO, the emotional and individual creativity by DANNIE PRAED, the steel and the stone fused together by DAVID DAGARO, the metaphorical suggestions by DONATELLA TANZINI, the colouristic fantasy by ELLY BOUDRIE, the faces and the hyper realistic portraits by ENNIO MONTARIELLO, the playful graphics and painting by EUGENIA VARESE, the painted photography and sometime musical by FRANCESCA BARNABEI, the mixed media on wood and photographic paper by GIULIA SALFI, the decorative and pictorial creations by GIUSY PELLEGRINO, the intense vision of women by IVAN TONINATO, the memory of the world in the photographic art by JAQUELINE DOMIN, the concept materic of the space by LAURA ZAMBELLI, the oil Pisa by LEONARDO CIUCCI, the homage to Vermeer by LOREDANA GIANNUZZI, the right style jaquard and swarovski by LORENZO CARMA, the portraits of nobles and the pin up by PRINCE LORENZO DE MEDICI, the intense portraits by LUCA FIORILLI, the red pop stone chair by LUCA VINCIGUERRA, the skillful pencil by LUIGI CROBU, the cropping and gold by LUIGI ROTUNDO, the bronze, the pottery and plexiglass of the works by LYDIA LORENZI, the seductive pastels by MARCO TIDU, the tormented faces and homage to Bacon by MARLENE DE MONTE, the interesting fragmented photographic installation dedicated to Venice by MASSIMILIANO FARINA, the sophisticated and delicate Japanese oils by MICHAEL CHEUNG, the braided wire sculptures by MIMMO SCUDERI, the venetian landscapes in the art by NICO RUGOLETTO, the strong steel and tempered by PAOLO FILIPPI, the pictorial geometries by PAOLO REMONDINI, the the patinated bronze and boteriano by PAOLO RIGONI, the harmony of nature and family by PATRIZIA LANZAFAME, the abstract material and sinuous by RONAK MOSHIRI, the geometry of metaphysical painting by ROSSELLA FIOROTTO, the singular fantasy photo by SERENA BALDACCINI, the painted ponies of bygone days by SERGIO MILANI, the gestural and stylistic abstractions by SILVANA MADDALOSSO, the river stones carved and of launch by SIRO POLAZZETTO

All visitors can make their offer to the SILENT AUCTION expected during every day of the exposure, for the majority of the exhibited works, on placed cards, works that will be presented at a very low starting price, from the original one.
The works will be allocated the 30th December 2016 that is the last of exhibition day.
The opening of 17th December 2016 will see a musical show with Chiara Bizzotto (voice) and Davide Cassandro (guitar) and delivery of Certificates of Merit to the Artists.

Will follow a Christmas toast !

The Gallery is located in the heart of the city of Padua, home of undisputed artistic prestige, cultural and literary, which annually welcomes intellectuals and tourists from all over the world: it is a sitting room of meetings, of exhibitions and presentations where inside are organized group and solo exhibitions, cultural twinning, art workshops, and artistic and literary culture, collaborations and discussions, lectures and courses, in a suggestive setting, surrounded by works of art of international renown.
In exhibition also the plastics and publications produced by the Association of Padua Architecture that since 2011 is engaged in the diffusion of architecture in all its aspects : historical, artistic, technical and design. -
For this event QueenArtStudio Gallery has decided to allocate part of its proceeds from the sale of the works, to the association Save the Children which deals with the protection of children in the world -

Maria Grazia Todaro Art Director, the Critic Elena Luise, Cesare Mortella and all the staff of QueenArtStudio Gallery will be glad to welcome you at the Opening and during the other exposition days;.
Opening hours: every day from 11.00 am to 13.30 pm -15.30 pm – 19.30 pm
Closed Sunday and Monday morning, 25th and 26th December 2016
Free Entrance
Media Partner Almax Magazine

Info: Centro Espositivo di Arte Internazionale Palazzo Papafava dei Carraresi
Via Marsala, 59 Int. 2 – 35100 Padova –
E-Mail: – Cell. 334644738
Event Art Director Maria Grazia Todaro

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7 years ago
Cat Photographer

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