November 25, 2016 | January 7, 2017
Review by Giorgio Bonomi
“Vanishing point” is an expression that belongs as much to mathematics (the perspective theory) as to life reality (a place to escape from danger, material or moral) and here Silvia Beltrami operates exactly on the two meanings. An artist has ideas and feelings to express and he does it (he must do it, if he’s a real artist) using a form, this one now, in the examined works, is exactly the application of various ways in which the geometric perspective is carried on. This one, as we know from the Renaissance on, is only a form of illusory representation that allows an image that we have on a flat two-dimensional surface to look three-dimensional. But, the artist tells us, illusion is also the possibility of freedom, of being able to “sleep”1, while “dancing” is just an illusion of being able to be happy and carefree: so, as meant by a great philosopher in his aesthetic theory1, we have a perfect correspondence between content and form, between the illusoriness of real life and perspective.
Costantini Art Gallery
via Crema, 8 - 20135 Milan
Tel +39 02 87391434 -
Openings : 10,30-12,30; 15,30-19,30 - Closed Monday morning and public holidays
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