BORDERS & PERSPECTIVE  the dream of paper art
Exhibitions, Italy, Lucca, 31 July 2016
the dream of paper art

Ducal Palace
July 31- September 4

Stefano Baroni, Silvia Beltrami, Lucrezia Bieler, Blender, Eszter Bornemisza , Florence Mc Ewin, Chris Gilmour, Sergio Gotti, Hans Meertens, Elisabetta Necchio, Gabriele Erno Palandri, Vassilis Perros, Alice Steinmetz, Giacomo Solfanelli, Consuelo Zatta, Anastasia Zisi.

Lucca, a medieval Tuscan town rich in history and culture, is also the largest paper production centre in Europe. Its unique mix of production, history, tradition and art gives Lucca the title of “world capital of paper”. For this reason Lucca is the ideal location for Cartasia, the International Paper Biennial. Cartasia holds a contest for outdoor monumental paper and card sculptures, as well as indoor exhibitions and a series of performances and conferences, with an emphasis on sustainability.
The Indoor exhibition features the best creative artists of a new and rapidly evolving avant-garde art, i.e. paper art. The exhibition will be hosted in the Duke’s Palace, i.e. a 14th century building where the juxtaposition between the past and the present perfectly enhances any art experience. During the Biennial Exhibition visitors are captured by the peculiar working technique with which paper is worked, and this for any work of art on display.

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