Abstractions in bloom
Exhibitions, Italy, Parma, 06 October 2012
At Redomo, "Abstractions in bloom" by Nicoletta Belletti

Saturday, October 6th at 18:00, the opening with the artist.

The resin always protagonist, but with a new material reworking. This
is Nicoletta Belletti's response to Redomo's invitation to exhibit in
the spaces of the furniture and design store located in via Emilia
ovest 44, Parma.

Six works 120x80cm where the material dimension joins the coloured
one, in a lively and sometimes abstract explosion of colour.
"Abstractions in bloom", this the name of the exhibition, is a path of
flowers in macro, with particular attention to the resin inlays coming
out of the table, integrating with the wall that hosts it. The
exhibition opening will be held Saturday, October 6th at 18.00, in the
presence of the artist, and will continue until October 30th.

The exhibition at Redomo is born by the idea of works setting, placing
them in spaces, linking to the style of the furniture or to an
atmosphere, from the living room to the study. The art enters in
everyday life and becomes part of it, the work is enriched by the
personal taste of those who choose it and in this "stealing" finds its
natural setting.

Belletti measures herself again against the matter and form, playing
with space and surfaces. The flower, again the protagonist,
establishes itself more and more as an icon of her work as an artist,
in a return never repetitive, but always purposeful and original.

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