Exhibitions, Italy, Ferrara, 04 June 2010
Press Release and Invitation

Siberian Di Cocco
"Five Ways and a bit 'more'

4 / 19 June 2010

Opening Friday, June 4, 18:00
The Space Art Elsewhere
Francesca Mariotti
Via de Rome 38-44100 Ferrara

New Staff Area The Art Elsewhere Francesca Mariotti, 38 Via de Rome-Ferrara: Friday, June 4, 2010 at 18:00 opening of the exhibition "FIVE SENSES AND A LITTLE 'more'" Pisan artist Siberian coconut. The exhibition will be presented by Dr. Francesca Mariotti in the presence of the artist. On that occasion will be exhibited works by twenty, made with special materials, and specifically studied in the "sensory" human. Small microcosms that symbolize the contemporary universe with its potential and its reality "globalized and globalizing." Hopes for the future that modern man must take back and develop through their perceptual capacities, its very deep and meaningful "Humanity." The Artist will be present and will give a little lecture on his poetry esoressiva and motivations of his artistic research.
The artist has participated in the exhibition "Post-Avant-garde" that took place in recent days by the Este Castle and edited by prof. Paul Levi and Virgil Patarini Zamenoff gallery in Milan.
Cocktails inaugural speaker.
The exhibition runs until June 19, 2010.
Open every afternoon from 16.00 to 19.30. Closed Sunday and Thursday.

Siberian Di Cocco - Born in Pisa, during the course of scientific studies, however, passionately devoted to artistic activities: learning the techniques of chiaroscuro, the temperature of the water and ink drawing.
He graduated in medicine during the years of commitment to continuing professional interest in attending art museums and art exhibitions in Italy and abroad. In recent years begins to devote himself to artistic experiment with ceramics. Master Professional Diploma in technical ceramics began showing his work in exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
In recent years he discovered the use of multimaterials (textiles, resins, silicones, chinoiserie) to create panels that allow you to express your creativity
In 2008, with one of these works won 1st Prize at "A patch for art" promoted by the Municipality of Florence

"... Contemporary art is so fertile field in different personal expressions of artists like Siberian Coconut, make aesthetic experimentation and visual and hearing their preferred language. And her works are evident result, effective and harmonious, rich with symbolism and messages related to the Essence of Humanity, its harmony and social disharmony and private issues and the joys that each day filled with special features for the which is "beautiful life".
The material they are made, molded and made "fluid forms" constitutes a kind of path, track and path to the watchful eye of the beholder, who is involved and dragged inside, called the gesture of "touch" and the visual search of all those additional stimuli from the presence of small objects and colors that Siberian carefully inserted. Sensory experience that crosses every visitor and user in the path of its exposures. A journey that comes to mind and the unconscious, to remember and to dream, has a new value of art in its entirety. (Francesca Mariotti)

Recent exhibitions:
Ferrara 2008 - Lovett Gallery - Staff
2008 Novara - Banca Sella - Collective "In ORBEM"
Pisa 2008 - Cinema Lumière - Staff "Suggestions from China"
2008 Marina di Massa - APT - Collective "In ORBEM"
2009 St. Stephen Belbo - Emmediarte Gallery - Staff
2009 St. George Scarampi - Fondazione S. George Scarampi - Staff
2009 Arezzo - Gallery Tower - Personnel "Leather by artist
Novi Ligure 2009 - Museum of Champions - Collective "Cycling Enchanted"
Trani 2009 - Castello Svevo - Fondazione De Nittis - V Biennial of Contemporary Art
2009 Forte dei Marmi Palasport "proposing" Exhibition of Contemporary Art
2010 - Naples, Castel dell 'Ovo - Gallery Gust'Arte - Collective "Taste of Art"
2010 - Milan, Treviso - Gallery Emmediarte and Webart - Collective "(forms) and colors"
2010 - Milano - Gallery Zamenhof - Collective, "The matter is the color"

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