"THE JOURNEY - routes in the world of art"
Exhibitions, Italy, Ferrara, 10 March 2012
Project 2012
"THE JOURNEY - routes in the world of art"
Traveling show Ferrara, Milan, Rome and Venice
by Francesca Mariotti
10 March / June 9, 2012
Course in Art and contemporary culture
5 Rassegne visual arts, debates, performances in Ferrara
by Francesca Mariotti
collaboration Mariapaola Rigamonti - Marcella Acone - Silvia Raw
March to November 2012
The ELSEWHERE Space Art - Ferrara
Saturday, March 10 starting at the double launch and Space Art Elsewhere in Ferrara of the traveling exhibition "The Journey" by Francesca Mariotti and Project 2012 on the same theme. A journey into the art world in the Itinerant involving 20 artists: Franco Barrese, Rosamaria Benini, Jole Caleffi, Elena Catanese, Angelo Fantoni, Guido Forlani, Anna Galli, Sergio Gandini, Jung Hee Lim, Maria Karzi, Joseph Magrì, Celine Maestroni , MauroMalafronte, Paola Marchi, Roberto Natali, Isaac Glasses, David Orlandini, Paola Tramontin, Francis Vidic, Rosetta Life.
The exhibition "traveling" to continue the Acanthus Gallery in Milan, the 38 MMC Gallery in Rome and to Françoise Calcagno Art Studio in Venice.
"The trip is something that we dream, we planned and built grain by grain. But once planned and compartmentalized, we just walk a few steps to see that each piece moves, to make room for the inevitable unexpected, that allows us to absorb and make our own true nature of the trip, to be born to new life and look with new eyes what before we escaped. To all of you travelers hope to make this extraordinary journey with us, with the hope that at the end, all together, we can look with new eyes that drop of dew resting on that blade of grass, which before had escaped us. " (Presentation of the catalog of Mixed Ester) Calendar shows Itinerant:
Ferrara, 10/25 March 2012: The Space Art D'Elsewhere, 38 Via De Romei (www.artelaltrove.it). Milan, 12/26 April 2012: The Acanthus Gallery, Via Enrico Noe 33 (www.gallerialacanto.it). Rome, 4/18 May 2012: 38 MMC Gallery, Via Labicana 38/40 (www.38mmcgallery.it). Venice, 26 May / June 9, 2012: F.Calcagno Art Studio, Campo del Ghetto Nuovo 2918 (www.calcagnoartstudio.com)
The intent of the creator of Project 2012, sponsored by Olympia Morata, the Art Space of Elsewhere Ferrara, is to go over the whole sphere of cognitive meaning "JOURNEY" through 5 festivals distributed throughout the whole of 'year, each dedicated to a specific aspect: it starts with "THE JOURNEY IN THE WORLD ...." thanks to the artists that we are traveling in it for both themes that come from not only Italian. Interesting and prestigious presence to this first meeting of the great imaginative paintings of Maestro Sicula Gaspar, the artist who travels the seas rushing like Ulysses, Elisa Macaluso, and color of the Global South of Mauritius Piccirillo.
In conclusion, a real show, "THE FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS", in November, created and designed as a real laboratory where magic act and interact with the different expressions of Art, the right end of the Journey made to offer a real show "fireworks" of artistic creativity from dance to fashion and music, Imbarcadero Rooms at the Este Castle of Ferrara.
Six art exhibitions far reaching not only collect the works of painters, sculptors, photographers and others who from time to time will be challenged to experiment and explore a particular aspect of the sensorium, but will also be the occasion of meetings, debates, performances and exhibitions all kinds and for every query, the curator and the Association will organize in collaboration with other associations, professionals and local institutions.
Prior Performance on the calendar will be "Homage to Boccioni" Claudia Gollini, on the afternoon of Saturday, March 10, 2010 at 17.30, with Body painting of beautiful models.
The objective of the project, as it unfolds, will be to foster a showcase on the ability of the contemporary expressive in different languages ​​and different meetings that THE JOURNEY OF LIFE AND SOUL faces. Through multifaceted perspectives offered from artistic aspects and we can go back to seize more opportunities of life in its entirety. So the occasion not only to discover young talents in contemporary art, but also to rediscover in his individual life adventure.

It 's plans to build a catalog for a traveling exhibition and year-end 2012 for the Project with all participants.
Dr Francesca Mariotti
Program reviews:
THE JOURNEY ....... IN the world 10/25 March 2012
THE JOURNEY .......... of life 6/20 May 2012
THE JOURNEY OF MAN ............ Unconscious giugno/13 29 July 2012
THE JOURNEY IN THE FUTURE .................. settembre/13 29 October 2012
THE JOURNEY IN DREAMS ........................... 10/24 November 2012

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