Future Pass in the World Museum Rotterdam
Exhibitions, Netherlands, Rotterdam, 08 December 2011
The artworks are exhibited under five themes
East - West
Past - Future
Yin - Yang
Universal – Individual
Virtual – Real

East & West, Past & Future
Animamix links itself with traditions from the past as well as traditions from East and West. The art is a confrontation and a fusion, resulting in a rebirth of a world where old conflicts are resolved. A virtual world blends with the real world, and a story laden with symbolism unfolds in an art form compatible with our daily experience of the computer screen: colourful and with a range of choices expressed in visual codes that facilitate interaction among artists and between them and the audience.

The Wereldmuseum's antique artworks tell much the same story: of sacred rhythms, of the universe, and about norms for living that have been laid down by gods and ancestors. 'Future Pass' shows us that animamix instead places human beings, particularly young people, at the centre. It is they who remind us of the classical values regarding balance in the universe, to which every individual is subordinate.

The Wereldmuseum makes it possible, through two very different art forms, to become acquainted with the same philosophical source, the aim of which is to achieve a qualitatively good life.

International presentation
'Future Pass' is a production of the Wereldmuseum, the Today Art Museum in Beijing, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung, and the UNEEC Culture and Education Foundation in Taipei. It was achieved in cooperation with the Fondazione Claudio Buziol. Three curators are responsible for the exhibition's content: Victoria Lu (Creative Director, Today Art Museum, Beijing), Renzo di Renzo (Artistic Director, Fondazione Claudio Buziol, Venice) en Felix Schober (independent curator).

Comments 2

Jenny D'Alessio
13 years ago
Molto bene!!!! In bocca al lupo!
Associazione Roberta Smedili
13 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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