Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 05 October 2013
Sainte Chapelle
show / collective work
5-19 October 2013

a project of
Federico Cozzucoli

critical text edited by
Simona Campus

MEM Media Mediterranean via Mameli , 164 - Cagliari
Gallery Gallerati via Apuania 55 - Rome

Opening Saturday, October 5 at 18
increase / changing work hours Saturday, 12 October 18
new video live music by Saturday, October 19 at 18

The Exhibition of Contemporary Art " Sign Gesture Drawing ", as part of the 9th edition of the Day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI Association of Museums of Contemporary Art, Saturday, October 5 at 18, at the MEM Media in the Mediterranean , in conjunction with Gallery Gallerati of Rome, presents the work " Sainte Chapelle ."
The artist Federico Cozzucoli , from September 1 has provided , his work entitled " Sainte Chapelle " , synthesis and geometric Representative ( in the form of : Stained glass window gothic digitized and video) of the social policy after September 11, 2001 asking them to work together to formulate more works related by a workshop online the settlement of which is downloaded from the website .
Workshop participants will take part in the exhibition , the list will be updated in real time on the site . For now, we mention in order to participate: Monica Scidurlo , Alessandro Pili , Fabiana Collotto , Tiziana Befani , Sara Montani , Simona Sarti, Matthew Campulla , Violeta Vollmer , Rossana Piras , Francesca hours , Antonella Albani , Alexander Severin , Angela Impagliazzo , Marco Tullio Dental Serena Damiani , Artekreativa ....

Saturday, October 5 at 18 Day of Contemporary Art will present the work of starting an installation consisting of a digital work entitled " Stained Glass " and a video work . MEM will be hosted at the work while the total Gallerati gallery will host the video work . During the inauguration of the MEM will be offered a cake made ​​by cake designer Viviana Murgia .

Saturday, October 12 at 18 at the MEM presentation of the first phase of the workshop with the change and the increase of the opera " Stained Glass " .

Saturday, October 19 at MEM Media Mediterranean in Cagliari in conjunction with the Gallery of Rome Gallerati video presentation of the work carried out with the workshops that will be voiced by Matthew Campulla live .

Following the show became itinerant moving to Monte Ex Granatico of Donori and the Agora Media Ghilarza .
The project is implemented in partnership not only with the MEM and the Galleria Gallerati of Rome under the patronage of the Municipality of Cagliari Department of Culture, the City of Donori , the City of Ghilarza , the Province of Oristano.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a critical essay by Simona Campus , which emphasizes : "The artistic process begins with the pictures processed by Cozzucoli in the years following the events of 11 September and made ​​virtually in the form of glass gothic images that call to reflect on fragile equilibrium of our planet, sometimes dramatically precarious , as yet in these days of tension. In the universal secular chapel of the world wide web, all the reflections can be accepted : new images, the contribution of other intelligences and talents, will determine modifications, alterations , contamination. Adopting the relational method , Cozzucoli intends to recover the social dimension of art and at the same time deal with some crucial contemporary aesthetics , its authorship and enjoyment . "

Forms and instructions for participation in the workshop online :

video spots:

facebook " Sign Gesture Drawing " :


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