Curated by: Maria Cristina Ballestracci and Angela Gorini
Exhibition project by: Claudio Ballestracci
The house is located in the centre of the world and is the image of the universe. It is a feminine symbol of refuge, of the mother and protection. Safe place to live in place that identifies the human being and its culture.
The deep meaning of the idea of living there is therefore the primary human need to identify and recognize in a place or space, surrounded by objects which reflected. It is a symbol that creates the relationship between man and nature, human and divine, between the natural world and psyche.
The "house" or so "home" if you prefer, is the symbol that this year we suggested to the inhabitants of "the secret room".
Angela Anzalone
Roberta Casadei
Pamela Casadio
Nicoletta Casali
Cinzia Domizi
Simona Foglia
Federica Gif
Filippo Giunti
Alexa Invrea
Annalisa Magnani
Dina Polidori
Alessandra Roveda
Maria Chiara Tonucci
Sabina Trifilò
Romina Succi
Antonella Villa
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