One of the most obvious phenomena, as I proudly noticed and was inspired by, was a broad presence of an active, intelligent class of women in the Iranian society at large. Despite the continous male domination, Iranian women have emerged as a brave, knowledgeable, and important part of a moving force toward a brighter future. In spite of all cultural constrictions, Iranian women are moving on, weaving their own future.
Ironically, I realize that “moving on” as an artist for me in Australia is analogous with moving on as women in Iran; in the face of all “multicultural” constrains, I am determined to move on. It has been said that “there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way”. If that is true, moving on is the only way to survive and advance. And therefore, I am moving on. Having searched through the baggage of my diverse cultural heritage and experiences, I hope to have extracted and being equiped with essential knowledge and skills for my future creative journey.
Abbas Mehran
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