Creative personalities, different in design research, by inheritance of thought, only geographically but also creative metamorphosis, but ideally and materially ready to melt, releasing the languages of their works of art, in a single space.
11 appearances, different forms of expression free from common themes and subjects without objects-imposed, 11 contemporary looks united by a single direction to orient free productions whose only similarities lie in their contemporary creative act and size ... SMALL: small, like a sign in space, as small a space become a sign. SMALL: small, light as the artistic thought that is waiting to be born and live in this area.
The artistic works of Giovanni Bet, Sara Benetti, Simona Fedele, Mario Giovanardi, Luisa Montalto, Kristina Milakovic, Diego Gabriel, Oscar Netto, Ersilia Sarrecchia attest and affirm an essential prerogative of laranarossagallery, or the constant ability to collect and unify multiple entries for return to the public a view of what happens in an "elsewhere" free from any ideological and geographical limit, because art is not just the way a soul (the artist) communicates with other souls (the audience ), is also the system by which the latter recognized to be part of a large anima mundi.
Sara Benetti, graduated from the LABA (University of Fine Arts) in Florence, lives and works in Florence.
The artist uses the ash as a representation of the dark nature, or expressions intimate, the element ash is a by changing, mobile, almost evanescent, allowing Sara to model freely, without preconceived ideas, subjects and the nature of its artistic messages.
"Ash as the witness of the passage, as instability and confusion of the time."
Giovanni Bet, born in Vittorio Veneto (TV) in 1976, where he still lives and works. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice in 2010, opened Z-LAB exhibition space and art workshops.
Research expressive artist ranging from stage design to performance, going dutifully to painting portraits, scenes of urban life, landscapes, various are the subjects of his repertoire, but it is the latter that is realized the perfection of his art: the landscapes of John Bet creatures are mutable and silent, their compositional structure is built using depth perspective and orthogonal axes that cut the canvas into separate fields, but never autonomous from each other, the light, the star dazzles with golden patches and silver from the right and left ideal meeting in a center, and finally the color tones, now warm and romantic melancholy that refer to the naturalistic painting of 800, now on, in electric blue and purple, expressions of anxiety at night.
John Hard, born in Catanzaro in 1976, where he lives and works, conducts research in painting and sculpture with a focus on iconic languages from the comic book illustration.
The warm atmosphere of his native land seem to shine through poetic compositions, "Towards the Sea," close-ups of flowers flanked by white sand dunes bathed in the sun, soaked a few touches of color, fast and secure, giving rise to small fields dyed party.
Simona Fedele, was born in Udine in 1967, participated in numerous group exhibitions at national level.
The exhibition, part of your collection Series Small Size, are processes that start from an objective realism, from images of a lyricism of the past, from experiences remote, then decontextualized both spatial and scenic. Images transplanted later in the twentieth century., In the great century of modernity, the latter suffer from the disruption of conceptual certainty visual, through extra-pictorial elements, collage, signs, interventions chromatic elements foreign to the original composition which gives a sort of evanescent essentialism and enrich the boldness of expression of the whole.
Diego Gabriel, born in 1981 in Poggibonsi (SI), is currently working as a graphic designer to Kidstudio of Florence. It 'been involved in numerous projects from painting to design: Berlin, Paris, Florence, Milan, Genoa and Venice are some of the cities in which Diego celebrated its talent. For 2 SMALL presents ten drawings made with acrylic and chalk on cardboard intelato.
His creatures, which at first sight might be distracted due to unrealistic caricatures, they are actually living creatures, marked by time, masks deeper feelings, come to the fore as neutral backgrounds, there is nothing to distract the viewer by the looks and liquid properties and those faces, perfect oval framed by raven wires. Nothing between us and them. Not a decoration, an ornament, a connotative detail that characterizes temporality contextualized scenario choreography. You catch a glimpse shoulders, arms, hands, thin and unnatural; limbs reduced to signs drawn hard and fast, whose incisive have appeared so familiar to the teacher Schiele.
Mario Giovanardi, born in 1948, lives and works in Modena, his birthplace.
After a training matrix of abstract-expressionist, his personal research will be oriented towards a clear break of any mention figurative, preferring an empirical sedimentation of color and the density of the paint.
Sedimentation of color and density of the paint: these are the subjects of his art-objects. It will be for the blinding white, which is here and there disturbed by the black, it will be for the bluish trails, or for the lumpiness of layering acrylic or the evanescence of oils, or perhaps because of the attitude in wanting to bring imaginative del'individuo stubbornly unknown to knowledge, but the works of Mario Giovanardi appear many small snapshots of the lunar surface.
Beppe Mazzini
Behind this pseudonym, patriotic and revolutionary, lies a well-known cartoonist Roman, who preferred not to reveal.
Born in Rome and raised in the years of greatest artistic ferment of the capital, the years in which the squares were untiring theaters, art workshops industrious forges and the press was the best propaganda tool university first, then work.
Presents the exhibition 2Small what at first glance may seem an innocent collection of nice figures, in fact, closer examination proves to be a satirical and irreverent collection of images, ranging from circumventing the quiet certainty of representation. "Nothing is as it seems" and the concept is stated as absurd juxtapositions, the union of symbols so far away from each other, the art at the service of satire, directed and stripped of old styles, satire as imaginative repertoire and how through to invite reflection.
Kristina Milakovic, was born in 1976 in Belgrade, in 1996 he moved to Italy, and the capital he graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts, and in 2010 contributes to the foundation of the Art Gallery Collection Saman Rome.
The works presented in 2Small, are a number of urban nightlife, lost cities, invisible mountains raped by steel and concrete. Certainly fictional scenarios, which declined in attractive atmosphere, sometimes unfinished, which float and are reflected on mirrors steel color. The profiles built by daring escape routes are cut, torn by light sources that as many eyes, searching the essential traits.
Luisa Montalto, born in Cagliari, but was in Rome that will make his studies. She is currently working at the "Mondo Bizzarro Gallery".
"In the summer my cat spleen takes a small massacre of fragile birds. These works are a kind of homage to the death of the innocent and my ability to love despite the cruel actions of his nature. "
It seems part of a larger story noir, but it is actually the story that Luisa describes the choice of subjects that have inspired the production presented for 2 SMALL. The story takes place in sequential images, Spleen, Birds, Feather. The tragicomic character of the story that is well suited grotesque atmosphere of his works, the liveliness coloristic dell'antefatto, pastel tones, almost fairy-tale of the crime carried out by the feline fit the particular current of contemporary Pop Surrealism: a language free, that from the comic to social issues, by a reversal conceptual banner of suspended atmospheres, of dubious combinations of forms and situations that do not qualify.
Emanuele Puzziello, born in 1982, graduated in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce, his hometown. He currently lives and works in Modena.
Clever, skillful, portraitist. The series presented entitled "Altered States" (the title was never more exhaustive) are experiments physiognomic but at the same time surreal iconic subjects, with Emanuele us in the "real" beyond the myth of the beautiful painting faces frantic, screaming owned by 'anger or ecstasy, all accentuated and strengthened by strong chromatic scale, which gives way to no hesitation structural.
Ersilia Sarrecchia,
In the educational career of each artist there is a "before" and "after", usually the "first" is the formation of primordial elements (a person, a color, a shape) which would become hallmarks of a certain language. The philosophy of art, also, involves in a more or less conscious, occasional returns to the artist that primordiality, as a bond that can come loose but never dissolve. In the case of Ersilia Sarrecchia the return to the origin, where it all started, is celebrated in a timely manner to two years from the birth of laranarossaGALLERY, its most endearing creatures: Frogs.
Allegre, solar, engaging, dressed in the brightest colors, looking at us curiously. Delicious pieces of furniture, but at the same footsteps of a fundamental artistic journey, growing, towards that "after" yet to be discovered.
Francesca Piovan
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