Prize calls, Italy, L'Aquila, Sulmona, 01 September 2012
International Festival of Contemporary Art XL Sulmona Prize 2013, organized by the Circle of Art and Culture "The Crossroads", under the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the Abruzzo Region, the Province of 'Eagle and the town of Sulmona, the Show eminently qualified, is restricted to a limited number of Italian and foreign artists from the most representative picture of current research. The Opera "ECHO" was chosen by the committee of Vittorio Sgarbi (Chairman), Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Giorgio Di Genova, Toti Carpenters, Giorgio Seveso, Clare Strozzieri, Duccio Trombatori, Gaetano Pallozzi. The exhibition will be inaugurated on September 7at 18:00 and will conclude October 5 in the Civic and Diocesan Museums (former Convent of Santa Chiara).
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