Competition of digital images "Acts of Kindness"
Prize calls, Italy, Arezzo, 05 June 2013
Deadline: 31st of August 2013
Typology: digital images on the theme “Acts of Kindness”.
Call For Art, International Association of artists ( web organizes an online contest of digital Images on the theme of "Acts of kindness ." In a world more and more dominated by the egoism, the violence, fear and overcoming, the contest is aimed to bring the accent on the value of the gentleness as expression of the positive part of the human soul, of its ability of empathy and connection with the other beings, of its benevolence.
Call For Art therefore looks for images able to awaken and to promote the gentleness and the benevolence in every individual, images that go straight to the heart and speak of another possible way to live and to interact in the human society and with the natural environment.
The contest is open to artists of any nationality. Every artist can participate with only one image.
The required digital images can be reproductions of paintings, sketches, drawings, graphic design or photos, digital manipulations, video still, related to the theme "Acts of kindness".
The original file must have the following dimensions:
OPTIMAL: cm. 50 in the largest side, 200 dpi
MINIMUM: cm. 50 in the largest side, definition: 50 dpi
The original file must be reduced to be sent by the online procedure, but every participant will have to keep the original file.
Euro 1000,00 gross + 1 free year of registration to the services of Call For Art (see the section "Services" of the web site )
The contest will be entirely judged by the staff of Call For Art.
The winning artist will be announced by September 07 th 2013 and liquidated through bank transfer by one month from the closing of the contest.
The contest will take place on line only. Candidates will send their images through direct upload on the web site and they won’t have in any case to send the original printings. The images of all the candidates will be visible to the public at the section "Competition acts of kindness" of the web site. The jury will evaluate the images directly viewing them from the web site. Besides the winning artist, a maximum of 20 images will be selected for their possible printing and exhibition in contexts to define.

For the Call For Art members, the participation to the competition is free.
For all the other artists – non members, the participation involves the payment of a registration fee of Euro 15,00( net, transfer costs at participant’s charge) to cover the management’s expenses.
Details on the payment of the registration fee are available on the web site , section "COMPETITION ACTS OF KINDNESS", button “Participate” .
Direct link:
The participation to the competition is open until the 31st of August 2013. You have just to send your picture online. Go to the web page: click on the section "COMPETITION ACTS OF KINDNESS and after on the button “Participate”.
Before effecting the upload of the image, the Call For art members will have to insert their codes of access to the web site, the non members will have to insert the codes furnished by e-mail after their payment of the registration fee.

The original file of the image, at full format, will have to have the following dimensions:
OPTIMAL: cm. 50 in the largest side, 200 dpi
MINIMUM: cm. 50 in the largest side, definition: 50 dpi
All the artists participating to the competition will have to preserve the original file in case their image will be selected for the printing.

To send the image on line, please reduce it with the following characteristics:
709 pixels or cm. 25
definition: 72 dpi

The Call For Art members can immediately proceed to the upload of their image. Go to the web page: click on the section "COMPETITION ACTS OF KINDNESS”, after on the button “Participate” and again on the button “GO TU UPLOD”.
Insert now your codes of access to the web site
Direct link:

The artists not members will have to effect the payment of the registration fee of Euro 15,00 before being able to proceed with the upload of their image. For details on the payment of registration fee, please to the web site , section "COMPETITION ACTS OF KINDNESS " and click on “Participate” .
After the payment, you will receive by e-mail the codes of access to the upload.

All the images sent for the participation to the competition and the relative specifications will immediately be visible on at the section "COMPETITION ACTS OF KINDNESS” clicking on the voice "Participating artists"

The results of the selections and the final decision of the jury will be published on the web site

All the participants to the competition agree to permit the use and publication of their images in case these were selected among the 20 chosen for the printing. The name of the author will always be mentioned.

Comments 2

Paolo Davide Manina
11 years ago
Concordo: bel tema. Merita partecipare!
Flora Unicum
11 years ago
Flora Unicum Artist
Bellissimo il tema

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