Sicilian Event of  PUBLIC ART
Workshops , Italy, Siracusa, Noto, 09 July 2009
The express sight dall' artistic alchemy between Medica and Castellino is structured from a tightly loaded symbolic one orientated towards the emotions provoked from the consumption of allusions. Allusions that allow their of to provoke always and however of the personal and subjective reactions thanks of the stage capacity creative of Vincenzo Medica that directs l' observer in a dreamlike dimension and to the visual evocations of Castellino that recall reminiscences dripped from personal existential experiences. In the episodes of Public Art "the Characters" of Medica and of Castellino am alive and protagonists of their spaces, introduced perfectly with the land and with the cosmic conscience that wraps them and accommodates them. -We find to represent Them "Convergences d' Avant-garde on the Nativity" and while lowered the evening the darkness becomes the first witness and guiding spirit of the "Place of the light", where l' man is bowed to the force of the belief revealed from a' artistic expressiveness that, demonstrating itself, comes intensely perceived like sacred, the day them trasmuta in elements of the land to deposition of our cosmic origin. -Its characters themselves appear also on some windows of a historic city center baroque subliminando l' soul towards a tolerance multietnica recalled from the cloths multicolored that wave to the fluctuate some wind Sicilian from always onlooker of numerous dominations and user of variegated cultures. to. -Subsequently we find you seduce them in a bar to interact with l' man that observes them very curious and amused how much doubtful and even frightened while converses unwittingly with its questions and the its more inconsce fears. -In a shop, like some customers and like operating other, also in window to look in the mirror itself not only on the reflection of a glass but above all in the consciences of every attentive observer. -We find Them also you seduce to theater, attention like users of the show but also like facing phantoms accavalcati on the parapets of the platforms to deposition of the sfuggevolezza dell' existence. -They Walk then between the stone rose of the well-known staircase of the baroque church of San Nicolò testifying like a' artistic alchemy does not know limits all' interpretation. Beyond that to the aesthetic value, besides, the works of Vincenzo Medica take on a practical value–cultural for their capacity to supply conceptual connections with other works d' art and expressive shapes. Such connections have them time a strong artistic valence as express not only the traditions from whose l' work took life but also the personal historical codes-cultural dell' artist. L' man of material, card and iron is therefore the representation of the artistic suggestion that Treats together to Castellino offers all' modern man. The inactivity of its "characters" white and grey allows all' observer of to observe be unified itself in you are; the inactivity of the individuals appears take on in group a dynamism imaginary that east l' observer verse l' allusion of a feeling of consciousness instils trust and energy in the to succeed to confront the unforeseen of the fleeting dynamism of the life. Its characters express with the their one "to be us" the questioning dell' existence advising is with it their static controllability is with the experimentation of the reading of if same from a different perspective, the solutions to the personal anxieties dell' observer, becoming them time images veicolatrici of energy, of reactivity and of creativity.

"The dynamic alchemy dell' Existence does of we human beings of the Artists that recite on the stage of the world l' Work of the Life".

f. adragna

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