Open the selections for the insertions in "WORKS in EXHIBITION" from 2 to 8 June 2018 Contemporary Art Exhibition at the Castle Aldobrandeschi Collacchioni in Capalbio (GR)
Exhibitions, Italy, Grosseto, Capalbio, 02 June 2018
"WORKS IN EXHIBITION" the Contemporary Art Exhibition from 2 to 8 June 2018 at the Castle Aldobrandeschi Collacchioni in Capalbio (GR) is the seventh event and Show me organized by 2013 ... addressed only to artists who may come Saturday June 2, arrange their works, participate sharing the experience as well as the Art ...

The exhibition will start from the afternoon of 2 June until Friday 8 June. Saturday 9 June from 10.00 to 12.00 the Artists, or having Delega, will have to resume the Works.

PARTICIPATION IS FOR: Mini Personal with n. 6 Works


n.150 Catalogs, n.5 to Artist, the others to Free destruction at the Castle.
In the Personal Insertions that have requested me I have also proposed the possibility to participate with n. 2 Works - N.5 Catalogs of the 150 Catalogs - 1 page in the Catalog - Services - Expected contribution

Lunch at the Ristorante LA PORTA in Capalbio, these convivial occasions replace the Vernissage.

Photos and Videos of the exhibition path will be made by me and then the Video Posted on remaining testimony over time as the precedents always made by me.

You can have Personalized Insertions in the number of Works,

The Castle Aldobrandeschi Collacchioni in Capalbio compared to the Galleries is a place visited by people interested in art and who also appreciate the contemporary works that are often included in the Rooms ... like the Catalogs, another opportunity for presentation and information that presents the Artists and the Works for hopeful contacts that sometimes happened.

I await the Artists interested in sending me the Photos of the Works that want to exhibit and possible website or personal link, in the Positive Answer all the Information concerning the possible Insertion.

RELLA M.Pia = SpaziOfficina
Free Creative Laboratory in Rome
328 2726700

Comments 3

RELLA Maria Pia = SpaziOfficina
6 years ago
Negli Inserimenti Personalizzati che mi hanno richiesto ho proposto anche la Possibilità di Partecipare con n. 2 Opere - N.5 Cataloghi dei n.150 Cataloghi - 1 pagina nel Catalogo - Servizi - Contributo previsto
Antonio Zamariola
6 years ago
Antonio Zamariola Artist, Painter, Sculptor
Mi avrebbe fatto molto piacere potere partecipare ma sarà (spero ) per una prossima volta. Auguri !
Nanouk Reicht
6 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Auguri !

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