New Generation - Images of Italian art of the Third Millennium

Exhibitions, Italy, Padova, 06 August 2010
New generation, Images of Italian art of the Third Millennium edited by Artesgarro Gallery, Matteo Vanzan. Old Fish - V.M. D'Azeglio, 11 Este (PD) Admission free Friday, Saturday and Sunday 18:30> 2...Read all

Forms and works selected for the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean

Lectures, Italy, Messina, 03 June 2010
Forte San Salvatore Sede Via San Raineri - Zona Falcata, Messina 98122 - Mappa Home Storia Anteprime In corso Archivi Artisti Curatori Opere Articoli Comunicato stampa evento: ForME e...Read all