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Comments 18

Rudolf Lichtenegger
8 years ago
Hello , thank you very much for your like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Thank you so much for the two favourites!!:)))))
Rudolf Lichtenegger
9 years ago
Thank you so much!!!!!!
Antonella Giannuzzi
10 years ago
Hi Pizzuti, thank you for your preference and congratulations for your work!
Rudolf Lichtenegger
10 years ago
Hello , thank you very much for accepting my friendship request, cordially welcome to my circle of friends.
Compliments to your artworks!
alberto bottura
10 years ago
Hi, thanks for your friendship. See again.
10 years ago
ExpoArtCc Journalist
Dear Artists,

We are also pleased to inform you , from 14 al 17 February 2014 Expoarte Magazine with the ' staging of an exhibition stand will be Present to Arte Genova, one of the leading European Art Fair. In anticipation of this opportunity at last to give more visibility to all those artists who wish to assert itself over the landscape international artistic distribute our magazine to all galleries at the fair has designed a special promotion for this event.

For more information about it please do not esitate to contact us to
Cinzia Zanellini
10 years ago
Grazie cara Pizzuti per la preferenza ai miei bianchi nel mare !!
Corrado Lippi
10 years ago
Corrado Lippi Artist
Thank you Pizzuti.
Giorgio Fileni
10 years ago
Grazie per l'amicizia!

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