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Comments 18

Enrico Gherardi
10 years ago
Thank you, Andrea.
Carmen Sorrenti
10 years ago
Hi Andrea
Great to meet you!
10 years ago
Thanks for your friendship !
alberto bottura
11 years ago
Hi Andrea, thanks for your friendship. See again.
Gesto Segno Disegno
11 years ago
Thanks Andrea, I point out to all the artists this initiative to grow and spread the art free of all

workshop online
to make a show / collective work
from September 1 to November 29, 2013

The Review of Contemporary Art "Sign Gesture Drawing" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by hammock (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form downloaded from the website anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle."
Teresa Palombini
11 years ago
Benvenuta tra i miei amici e grazie per i complimenti.
Buona giornata.
Giancono cammarano
11 years ago
thanks Andrea!!!
Rosalba Acquaro
11 years ago
Hi Andrea, thanks for friendship and your comment !
11 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Hello Andrea, thank you for your friendship request :-)
Claudia jeanne
11 years ago
Obrigada por me add. em seu grupo de amigos, desejo a você uma longa vida, cheia de saúde, paz, amor, felicidades.
Claudia Jeanne

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