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Comments 21

Ilario Belometti
10 years ago
simone fratini
11 years ago
danilo tresanini
11 years ago
Grazie mille di tutto e x la preferenza
Gianluca Aimi
11 years ago
Gianluca Aimi Artist
thanks for the friendship
and preferences!
in early
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago
Ciao Evija! Grazie infinite per la preferenza!
11 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Hello Evija, thank you very much for the favourite!!:)))
Enzo Correnti
11 years ago
Enzo Correnti Artist
Grazie mille per la preferenza...
Giorgio Fileni
11 years ago
Grazie per l'amicizia!
11 years ago
IoSpazio Artist
Rudolf Lichtenegger
11 years ago
Hello Evija , thank you for your friendship request - nice to meet you at Celeste. Also a big thanks for the favourite - much appreciated. Compliments to your artworks!
Have a nice day and a great weekend!
Kind regards,
Omar Fisicaro
11 years ago
Omar Fisicaro Artist
Ciao EFS, mi piacciono i tuoi lavori, soprattutto OTHER VIBRATION. Complimenti
 Anna Scopece
11 years ago
ciao Evija!
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago
Grazie infinite per la preferenza!
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago
Ciao Evija! Grazie per l'amicizia!
Emiliano Gambardella
11 years ago
thank you very much Evija your paintings reminded me the artworks of the british Peter Doig
11 years ago
Thanks for your friendship !
11 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Thank you also for your friendship, Evija! Love your work and versatility!! See you :-)
11 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Hello Evija, thank you so much for your selections!!:))) Very much appreciated! :-)
Tanya Bartolini
11 years ago
grazie mille per tutto... e tantissimi complimenti!!! Tanya
Fabiana Collotto
11 years ago
Grazie per l'amicizia e per le preferenze :)
Tanya Bartolini
11 years ago
ciao e grazie per la tua amicizia e complimenti ....

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