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Comments 15

Israel Aguirre Torres
11 years ago
Karoline, thank you for the friendship. I enjoyed your beautiful artwork and look forward to more in the future.
Rosalba Acquaro
11 years ago
Grazie infinite Karoline !
Djamel Adjimi
11 years ago
Djamel Adjimi Artist
Ciao Karoline! Grazie mille per l'amicizia!Ti auguro una giornata meravigliosa!

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Anneli Di Francis
11 years ago
Thank you Karoline :) Interesting photos.
Brigitte Kempers
11 years ago
Vielen Dank - Karoline und liebe Grüße aus Köln!
Souad Nasr Makhoul
12 years ago
Hi Karoline, many thanks:))
Hannah Hardy
12 years ago
Hannah Hardy Artist
Hello Karoline! Thank you very much for the favourite!
12 years ago
Opere molto interessanti e di profondo significato artistico.
Souad Nasr Makhoul
12 years ago
thanks best wishes!
gabriella siciliano
12 years ago
Thank you!
Paul De Haan
12 years ago
Paul De Haan Artist
Grazie. Ciao

13 years ago
Cat Photographer
Vielen Dank für Ihre Freundschaft! Meine besten Wünsche aus Elsass Catherine :)
Rossella Scola
13 years ago
Piacere di conoscerti Karoline! Grazie mille per la richiesta!
Christiane Bernreuther
14 years ago
Vielen Dank, many thanks for friendship! Best wishes from Hamburg!
Karoline Gallé
14 years ago
Grazie a te!


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