Comments 4

Gianpaolo Marchesi
12 years ago
Ciao. Grazie per l'amicizia.
Sandra D'Angelo
14 years ago
Centre of Arts 4 Seasons /  Friendship through Art can change the World    AthensArt International
14 years ago
To: Celeste Network Administration
Subject: False information
Athens 11/9/2010

Dear Mr. Steven Music,
Please inform your member Emily Eunjue Hayes to change her page, referring to us, because she never represented CA4S and as being suspended from our network AthensArt 2010 (, due to her inappropriate behavior, she has no relation with AthensArt any more.
The Chairman of CA4S and AthensArt
Prof. Dr. Takis Alexiou
Centre of Arts 4 Seasons /  Friendship through Art can change the World    AthensArt International
14 years ago
If there is one thing that currently seems to characterize the so-called 'art world' at present it is the singular emphasis on money and the market. Takis's initiative — to try and create a kind of Gestalt, in which artists of every stripe and creed come together to express their true feelings _— is a genuinely helpful and timely idea, that will demonstrate how art still has the capacity to bring people together, to build bridges, foster dialogue and spread love.
Despite the illusion of togetherness created by the many 'social networking' sites and 'virtual communities', we are in grave danger of losing sight of the big concepts: love, faith, trust, empathy, forgiveness. Art can fill these concepts with meaning once again and help build real communities based on love and understanding.
This year's exhibition represents a truly decisive step in that direction.
“Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer. Only connect...” E.M.Forster
With love to everyone F.T.

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