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Comments 7

Zanetti Ivano Emilio
14 years ago
Hi Elena,
Thank you so much for friendship, preference, and not least your comment.. I find that your works are very beautiful and especially your thoughts on paint, (very poetic) says much of yourself...
See you soon. Hello Ivano
Alexis Poritlla
14 years ago
I really like "Samurai"
-alexis : )
15 years ago
EleB Artist
Thank you very much for your comment to my "Thecla"... I read it just now ! You are very Kind !!! Best regards, EleB
Jo Ravizzotti
15 years ago
Jo Ravizzotti Artist
Thanks very much Elena for your preference to my works. Of heart. Also I like your pictures
15 years ago
Hi Elena,
Have you got this message?
Are you interested in participating in an Intrnational Group Exhibition late next year (2010) in Athens???
If yes, then have a look on my C Studio Events(1)...
Keep in touch and take care, yours Takis
Nasser Lubay
15 years ago
Nasser Lubay Artist
hi! thank you for your nice comment!
i hope it will wind the prize in Berlin! :)
steven smith
15 years ago
steven smith Artist
Hi Elena,

I like your work.
Nice technique and use of color.


steven smith

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