Ciao ,
Grazie mille per la vostra amicizia e per aggiungere il mio lavoro alla tua lista dei preferiti.
Cordiali saluti,
Hari Lualhati
"Mi piace" me su Facebook:
Grazie dell'amicizia, spero ci sia occasione di uscire da questa pur ben organizzata virtualità, prima o poi e di organizzare qualcosa insieme.
Complimenti per le tue opere, hanno la capacità di evocare atmosfere emotive, luoghi dell'anima, più che della terra. Molto belle.
Ciao Paolo, le tue opere sono la dimostrazione tangibile di quanto la natura possa entrare a far parte dell'anima per farne scaturire ataviche vibrazioni. Le apprezzo molto perchè annullano la differenza tra dentro e fuori.
Someone is crying out for a friend, an e-friend, even if he/she will disappear next second… Someone is thankful for a friendship request, an e-request, even if it doesn’t last… The need of being Friend with someone –anyone– is so huge that even its illusion is enough to make someone happy for a moment… And really how much it hurts when this tasteless “friendship” boils away and disappears –something expected from the beginning– as if it never existed… And all that just by sitting in front of a screen and pushing buttons…
I wonder where is the meaning of a “friendship” between artists when there is no mutual admiration or at least acceptance of their artistic work… In my opinion there is a lot of hypocrisy, personal “profit” and selfishness… Friendship is not a horrifying computer game…
By choosing a friend, even an e-friend, I think there is no need to study the “quality” and expression of his/her work, but to look carefully at the expression and pain of his/her face…We are not in need of “fancy” artists, but we are in great need of sensitive men and women, who can be creative and useful, for a better society…
Comments 32
Grazie mille per la vostra amicizia e per aggiungere il mio lavoro alla tua lista dei preferiti.
Cordiali saluti,
Hari Lualhati
"Mi piace" me su Facebook:
Complimenti per le tue opere, hanno la capacità di evocare atmosfere emotive, luoghi dell'anima, più che della terra. Molto belle.
speciale good artwork.!
bisogna adattarsi.
bravo ciao
ps.Bel commento!
I will be in Venice next week end and I look forward to seeing it in real .
All the best.
I wonder where is the meaning of a “friendship” between artists when there is no mutual admiration or at least acceptance of their artistic work… In my opinion there is a lot of hypocrisy, personal “profit” and selfishness… Friendship is not a horrifying computer game…
By choosing a friend, even an e-friend, I think there is no need to study the “quality” and expression of his/her work, but to look carefully at the expression and pain of his/her face…We are not in need of “fancy” artists, but we are in great need of sensitive men and women, who can be creative and useful, for a better society…
As I said, your work is very good. I especially like, "e procede".
Paolo take your time with each new idea
and create a new original.
Well done.
steven smith
I like your work.
I would like to see another piece.
steven smith
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