..apprezzandoti sempre ti ricordo che a brevissimo ci sarà un Evento OPERE & OPERE da me Organizzato al Castello Aldobrandeschi Colacchioni a Capalbio Dal 6 al 12 luglio, per tutte le Informazioni scrivimi a spaziofficina2014@gmail.com
Thank D1, look at this initiative to grow and spread the art free of everybody
workshop online
to make a show / collective work
from September 1 to November 29, 2013
The Review of Contemporary Art "Gesto Segno Disegno" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form http://www.federicocozzucoli.net/Sainte%20Chapelle_istruzioni%20e%20form%20per%20la%20partecipazione%20al%20workshop.pdf anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle."
Ciao Corpus Gallery,
Grazie mille per la vostra amicizia e per aggiungere il mio lavoro alla tua lista dei preferiti.
Cordiali saluti,
Hari Lualhati
"Mi piace" me su Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HariLualhati.Artist
apprezzando la tua arte...se leggi sulla mia pagina dell'Evento in tutto in Castello Aldobrandeschi a Capalbio ci sono già i primissimi Inserimenti, se ti interessa scrivimi direttamente con le Foto delle Opere che ti piacerebbe esporre...un caro saluto
Indifference leads to barbarity and barbarity to catastrophe and pain… The only way, as I see it, to stop this ill luck, is not anger and aggression, but honesty and love, the words of heart we exchange the last few weeks, not only between professionals but also with amateurs, collectors, galleries, critics, journalists and visitors… For me it was and still remains a unique experience –a “job” I took seriously– and I am very grateful to all of you, MY FRIENDS, for that!… From over a thousand friends (and favourite works), one out of ten found the time to exchange some honest and kind words… This ratio, I would say, is a good one, because if one out of ten artists of the world has this elementary sensibility, the future of the blue planet earth seems to be in good hands… Be always touched with Life, yours Takis
To all my e-friends and favorite works:
“What is a real connection between people? When the same knowledge opens a door between them, when the same inner sight exists in you as in another, you are drown to be (smiling) companions.” (Rumi)
P.S. Have a look in "My e-friends 1" artwork!!!
Comments 55
potrei stupirti...un cordialissimo saluto
Have a nice evening
workshop online
to make a show / collective work
from September 1 to November 29, 2013
The Review of Contemporary Art "Gesto Segno Disegno" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form http://www.federicocozzucoli.net/Sainte%20Chapelle_istruzioni%20e%20form%20per%20la%20partecipazione%20al%20workshop.pdf anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle."
Grazie mille per la vostra amicizia e per aggiungere il mio lavoro alla tua lista dei preferiti.
Cordiali saluti,
Hari Lualhati
"Mi piace" me su Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HariLualhati.Artist
Merci pour votre amitié et bon travail artistique ! :)
“What is a real connection between people? When the same knowledge opens a door between them, when the same inner sight exists in you as in another, you are drown to be (smiling) companions.” (Rumi)
P.S. Have a look in "My e-friends 1" artwork!!!
Thank you for added me to friends.
A strong embrace from Spain.
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