Arches: paintings and architectural drawings. Personal exhibition by Paola De Rosa edited by Danilo Russo, Salvatore Serio art gallery, Naples
22 February 2018
"The authentic art of today is linked to revolutionary social activity: the first, like the second, tends to the confusion and destruction of capitalist society" (André Breton).
Social obligations have made their time. Nothing should force man to deprive himself of liberty, neither war nor contribution to national defense.
The revolution is in the ideas, going down the street with a revolver in his fist and firing randomly among the people is a monstrosity that no longer affects. The ignorance is expressed by the quiet indifference of those who for their own return ignore problems and obstacles abdicating the moral and the consequent political and social choices. From the ethical confusion that derives from it, only certain spiritual activities and some paradoxes are saved.
Of exasperated experiences, of trials of love, of personal sacrifices, of men honorably prepared to die for their own ideas, their land, their own people, no trace, or perhaps, rarely, only a shadow of them.
Everyone believes they love, they all believe they are identifying the new, they all believe they are artists. Illusions, or worse, failed in the other.
From a certain intellectual nihilism derived the universal cowardice to fight against the desires of the soul, against homologation, against a certain system of art.
Surrealism was not a new or easier means of expression, nor a metaphysics of poetry; it has been the instrument of absolute liberation of the spirit and of everything that is related to it: a true revolution.
All this, makes contemporary art - true contemporary art - a cry of the spirit directed to itself, resolved, in desperation, to shatter its shackles.
Paola De Rosa puts herself to the test and, with ingenuity, there is no obstacle, barricade or prohibition that she can not overcome or violate; freed from chains, the spirit, disordered and mad, challenges the pen lenons and the corrupt minds of the Catholic Church.
Indifferent to possible criticism, Paola uses the brush as a pen, recognizing that the dialectic, where capable of being interlocated between the artist and the observer, is useful to interpret love, dreams, poetry, the madness of art and reason.
Supported by the fides, Paola goes on the path of the unknown, convinced that from recklessness can not be ignored for the achievement of a purpose or a goal.
The external world is denied to the advantage of what the individual finds in himself: hence the importance recognized to the unconscious and its manifestations, which find their translation in a new language, in a liberated language. On the basis of a deep self-awareness, the artist contrasts his own being with the world, pretending to bend the first to the second.
Hence the revolutionary individualism inherent in his thought. Paola lives in a state of fury, which is the condition before a true transformation of life and which must end with the resolution of the contradictions within a surreality that includes and surpasses the conscious and the unconscious, the man and the world, the natural and the supernatural. The search for this status is conducted collectively and with all the trappings of the technical-artistic experiment.
Danilo Russo

Arches: paintings and architectural drawings
Personal exhibition by Paola De Rosa
edited by Danilo Russo
From February 22nd to March 2nd 2018
Inauguration Thursday 22 February at 6.30 pm
Salvatore Serio art gallery
Via Oberdan 8, Naples
Gallery hours: Monday to Saturday 10.30-13.00 / 16.30-19.30
We thank the BIGI sponsor
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