17 February 2015
The performance is part of the installation "inwardness" - which takes its name - created by the artist for the exhibition INSIDE OUT. Photos, drawings, texts and other materia stage an abysmal depth, in which the body is placed "on the edge" of the presence, at the limit of paradox because it's present and absent, belonging and elusive, ghost and substance ... is revealed and escapes in his own revelation. In making the body says, tells ... when does his gestures the body is. With the performance, the artist depicts the discomfort: the abandonment of oneself, loss of control, the obsessive search of an order, the closure in themselves as a refuge, the interior monologue. In this fragility we find the values that give meaning to our lives. The inner eye is necessary starting point in this process of identification that shapes human material through an artistic process and aware of the sacred rigor. And it is in this way that the performance completes the total work of the artist.

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