17 July 2014
The Fantarealismo is an artistic movement conceived by Valter Milanato. The Fantarealismo embodies all the dynamics of artistic poetry of the new millennium. Research continues to communicate.

Manifesto Fantarealista

An artist fantarealista:

1. Knows no separation between art and life. He expresses his emotions and his ideas in swirls of color that wrap around images taken from reality, he felt as if he were shattered by the lens of a kaleidoscope;

2. Believes in a better world, more fair and equitable, where all people live in peace and tranquility, why not finding it in the reality that surrounds these values​​, create the art, for himself and for others , of alternative realities;

3. Donate, who welcomes his art, a frenzy of swirling sounds and new images, because of the artistic creation is achieved a better life;

4. Fights with all his strength so that the art is disclosed in all its power of aesthetics, rhythm, color, creativity, thinking, storytelling, art, movement, expression, impact, feeling, to get to strike and disrupt its user;

5. Focuses on wanting to communicate a message, an idea, a thought, a simple and dynamic, that strikes the observer, as if wanting to stun, to indurgli a state of "shock" momentary, triggering moments of reflection on what has to front and what stimuli that vision, using art as a weapon of his knowledge and of his being;

6. Find the force of his ideas only in occupying himself with his art streets, squares and public places of attendance, in order to raise awareness and disseminate his thoughts;

7. Creates a parallel world in opposition to reality, a reality made depending not only for himself but, visible and open to all;

8. Unites the artists in a unique kind of thinking, reasoning, idea, program, control, entertainment, because only together we can change the culture of apathy, in this new millennium all the arts should join in a single movement and makes them live as protagonists of history of their own people, a renaissance;

9. Fantarealista movement is not closed to all styles and techniques, you can join the movement with its own character and individuality, because it more than a single thought, wants to open up to everyone to make sure that art is a 'only idea of power and communication, so it must be aesthetic, but overcome aestheticism, yes must be thinking, but get over it, yes must, be creative, but in addition go hence;

10. Fantarealisti everyone can be an artist.

On the Road

This is the project of the Society for the dissemination of thought Artescalza Fantarealista in the territory. "On The Road" is the path fantarealista and consists of "stations", each representing a stage of the artistic movement, and corresponds to a local place or adhering to the project, through the exhibition of the works of the artists fantarealisti.

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