il arab world
23 March 2014
ll Arab world

Striking and imposing , between the heavens and the earth, in the dunes of the desert, between prayers and temples. Interesting to follow in their footsteps, cultures and religions.
Wandering among the Arab people , there is a very distinct genus , there is a kind, a kind over being. A man and a woman belonging to a role.
Thanks education to a culture inserted at the behest of third parties , we define a distinct harmony of peace.
A people in harmony with their faith , a faith that believes in a ' descendant of some ancestor rank real difinito then a messenger of the Lord, " Hall" , Mecca that is the Kabah , a tepio dedicated to the messenger Muhammad. Messenger sent by the Archangel Gabriel . There is a very particular culture , Those who acquire this name in Arabic Maommed (Muhammad) , have the task of governing is both Mecca and the Arab people as a result acquire power both in the religious sense and in a political sense . aquisiscono a title of his height, ( blue blood ) .
Male and female , they distinguish these figures . and emphasize their shape.
They know what are the respittivi tasks , they know that the man over the urge pantalini as figurative sense , they know that they have a very specific task in addition to costrire their goals, such as: family , offspring and financial services, know that they have as a task to not disappoint what we have undertaken ...
The woman than to be a good family custone goods , has the task of being able to satisfy the needs of families . They know I'm the father of the absolute proper beds .
Estiste beyond their faiths , their beliefs , dances proprizatori , in their culture , you can see very well the two roles , male and female , men brought in a manly take on a position very welcome . In the men from the boys , aquiscono dederminato a kind of teaching . A dress with a white biamco head covered with a sort of veil , that veil is not just , like a dance eseguino propriziatoria ermeggiando a weapon. symbol of manhood. with a bit of cannon , and war or what?
In women , also wrapped with long dress , dark colors or colored . in girls there is a scene very particolre , the owner of the land that is Mohammed , announces the prosperity and wealth , mentenebdo holding a weapon. 's sword , the symbolic verilità , in girls , as well as with colorful clothes, dancing with a propitiatory rite , svolteggiano music at the time of their long hair.
In summary , the master wishes him the young fancuille to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. ..
Altogether this, entrmbi between sexes , teaching them to master fan .
There is also to say , that there is bigamina , that in their culture arba , there is betrayal and even less jealousy , women among them are many solidarity , as the biamina exists not only among men among women,
There is only happening in the Arab metrimoni , repudiation . Namely the male that is the husband possendendo more wives, how can his or her right to divorce his other wives , in summary in alre wives can not have physical contact and the wife of their time if they were repudiated can not have physical contact with other men outside of marriage.

Comments 2

10 years ago
ketty Artist
Salve , c'è un detto che dice : " Tutto il mondo è paese " o .. nelle scale " C'è che li scende e c'è che li sale "... Vede noi artisti , produciamo le opere , l' esprimiamo e le impressioniamo , come un quadro ; il quadro , l'artista mette di suo , coglie ciò gli fà più comodo ad esso , sia come soggetto e come forma . Vede non catturo , solo ciò che la cultura o la religione .Il quadro non deve solo apparire , deve inanzi tutto essere letto e tradotto in diverse lingue .L'occhio è pur giusto che vuole la sua parte , ma l'apparenza inganna sovente. ( comunque non è un rimprovero, ringrazio per la sua gentile attenzione :) :)
luigi vucci
10 years ago
luigi vucci Artist
La cultura araba è interessante, ma si scontra profondamente con i nostri valori di libertà sopratutto per quanto riguarda i diritti delle donne.

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