25 July 2018
"Active Marginals / 70 Ryosuke Cohen"
edited by Sandro Bongiani
From 31 July to 1 December 2018
Inauguration: Tuesday 31 July 2018, 18.00

On Tuesday, 31 July 2018, at 18.00, the international group exhibition curated by Sandro Bongiani entitled: "Marginali Attivi / 70 Ryosuke Cohen" that the Ophen Space Art Gallery of Salerno dedicates to the Japanese artist, one of the most long-lived and interesting contemporary artists born in the forties. An interesting collective exhibition in concomitance also of the special recurrence of its seventieth birthday, presenting 164 works on a total corpus graphic of 281 works arrived from all over the world by important international artists who periodically took turns to collaborate with commitment and diligence with Cohen.
Ryosuke Cohen, born in 1948, Osaka, Japan, is a Mail Artist. The family name is Kouen but on the advice of Byron Black, he adopted the English name 'Cohen' as in Hebrew. Cohen discovered the mail art in Canada. Ryosuke is the son of a well-known haiku writer in Japan, Jyunichi Koen. Cohen's early works are the result of a mixture of Japanese tradition and imagery, contemporary numbers and icons as is his signature, the letter "C". For a long time the Japanese artist has been interested in the Dada and Fluxus movement, in contact with Shozo Shimamoto and the members of the Gutai group, sharing a new way of doing contemporary art in a spontaneous and natural way. Ryosuke is not the first Japanese post and marginal artist, but he is surely the longest-running Japanese author in the international network After Ray Johnson and Guglielmo Achille Cavellini, Ryosuke Cohen once again puts the cards of experimentation into an old-fashioned cultural system he prefers the work created specifically to be commercialized. He does so by proposing a particular project "Brain Cell" (Cellula celebrale), started in June 1985 with thousands of members spread in over 80 countries. A work that collects every 7-10 days about the images of many artists on a single page attaching a list of addresses of collaborators, 55 on average per work, which saw him involved for over 30 long years, rejecting the unique work and customary concepts such as originality and therefore, preferring more the game, the research and the concrete freedom of the artist deliberately placed at the margins of the current cultural system. For this way of doing, he is perhaps the most interesting and active artist in the network of anyone else for the organizational capacity of the project and for the widespread diffusion of marginal art. In August 2001 he started the project in Italy realization of a project idea (his) and those participating in the project. Practically, he promoted a "doing" by becoming director of a temporary intervention, which arises from the contribution of others and materializes together in collective collaboration in which everyone can participate and be positively and passionately involved in the creation of the work. In over thirty years of work he has exhibited with exhibitions and performed performances and meetings in different geographical areas of the world. He currently lives in Ashiya-City Hyogo in Japan.

Artists present: Ryosuke Cohen, Giappone I John Held, Usa I Nicolas de la Casininière, Francia I Jan Theuninck, Belgio I Josè Luis Alcalde Soberanes, Messico I Horst Tress, Germania I Pedro Bericat, Spagna I Mauro Molinari, Italia I John M. Bennett, Usa I Rémy Pénard, Francia I Virginia Milici, Italia I Lamberto Caravita, Italia I Renata e Giovanni Stradada, Italia I Rosalie Gancie, Usa I Michel Della Vedova, Francia I Vittore Baroni, Italia I Bruno Cassaglia, Italia I Tommaso Cascella, Italia I Giovanni Fontana, Italia I Antonio Sassu, Italia I Lancillotto Bellini, Italia I Mariano Filippetta, Italia I Emilio Morandi, Italia I Marina Salmaso, Danimarca I Luisa Bergamini, Italia I Guido Capuano, Italia I Dmitry Babenko, Russia I Cinzia Farina, Italia I Umberto Basso, Italia I Cesar Reglero, Spagna I Marcello Diotallevi, Italia I Fernando Andolcetti, Italia I Alfonso Caccavale, Italia I Leonor Arnao, Argentina I I Santini del Prete, Italia I Pascal Lenoir, Francia I Monica Michelotti, Italia I Matthew Rose, Francia I Alberto Sordi, Italia I Guy Bleus, Belgio I Claudio Grandinetti, Italia I C. Mehrl Bennett, Usa I Alessandra Borsetti Venier, Italia I Lars Schumacher, Germania I Ernesto Terlizzi, Italia I Jacob de Chirico, Italia I Susanne Schumacher, Germania I Ruggero Maggi, Italia I Maria Credidio, Italia I Maya Lopez Muro, Argentina I Antonio Gomez Garcia, Spagna I Michel Della Vedova, Francia I Fernanda Fedi, Italia I Fernando Aquiar, Portogallo I Gino Gini, Italia I Anna Boschi, Italia I Luc Fierens, Belgio I Gyorgy Galantai, Ungheria I Alessandro Ceccotto, Italia I Giovanni Bonanno, Italia I Pier Roberto Bassi, Italia I Seiei Jack, Giappone I Ko De Jonge, Olanda I Keiichi Nakamura, Giappone I Calogero Barba, Italia I Katerina Nikoltsou, Grecia I Carlo Iacomucci, Italia I Kiki Franceschi, Italia I Antonio Baglivo, Italia I Tomaso Binga, Italia I Matthew Rose, Francia I Anna Banana, Canada I Noriko Shimizu, Giappone I Miguel Jimenez, Spagna I Rosa Gravino, Argentina I Giancarlo Pucci, Italia I Rolando Zucchini, Italia I Alessandra Angelini, Italia I Domenico Ferrara Foria, Italia I Aarol Flores, Messico I Gabi Minedi, Italia I Laura Agostini, Italia I Maribel Martinez, Argentina I Alexander Limarev, Russia I BuZ Blurr, Usa I Patrizio Maria, Italia I Franco Altobelli, Italia I Daniele Virgilio, Italia I Aleksandar Jovanovic, Serbia I Roberto Keppler, Brasile I Oronzo Liuzzi, Italia I Francesco Aprile, Italia I Osvaldo Cibils, Italia I Domenico Severino, Italia I Lucia Spagnuolo, Italia I Linda Paoli, Italia I Elena Marini, Italia I Francesco Cornello, Italia I Juan Lopez de Ael, Spagna I Mabi Col, Italia I Mzia Valerian, Belgio I Rafael Gonzales, Spagna I Miray Birce Gur, Turchia I Jaromir Svozilik, Norvegia I Fulgor C. Silvi, Italia I Stefan Reinhard, Germania I Lia Franzia, Italia I Pierpaolo Limongelli, Italia I Turkan Elci, Turchia I Claudio Romeo, Italia I Michelle, Usa I The Wasted Angel, Belgium I Angela Caporaso, Italia I Eni Ilis, Brasile I Beatriz Albuquerque, Portogallo I Anna Karina Fries, Germania I Derya Auci, Turchia I Stiliachus, Germania I Anna Miller, Oba Mail Art Group, Germania I Maria Teresa Cazzaro, Italia I Horvath Piroska, Austria I Bruno Chiarlone Debenedetti, Italia I Cecilia Bossi, Italia I Mustafa Cevat Atalay, Turchia I Vero Rigole, Belgio I Adriano Bonari, Italia I Teri Anderson, Inghilterra I Maurizio Follin, Italia I Afrodite Karamanli, Grecia I Sigrid Sack, Germania I Rossana Bucci, Italia I Roberto Scala, Italia I Cobàs (Mario Carchini), Italia I Amadeu Escorcio, Portogallo I Piero Barducci, Italia I Bayron Dede, Turchia I John Gayer, Finlandia I Nicolas Malevitsis, Grecia I Antonia Mayol Castellò, Spagna I Silvano Pertone, Italia I Francesco Mandrino, Italia I Francine Fox, Usa I Adriana Lucaciu, Romania I Kathleen McHugh, Usa I Sophia Martinon, Grecia I Janys Oliveira Fortaleza, Brasile I Marie-Christine De Grave, Belgio I Heloisa Sonaglio, Brasile. I Connie Jean, Usa I Meral Agar, Turchia I Raz Mail Art, Australia I Claire Dinsmore, Usa I Oznur Kepce, Turchia I Francisco Sanchez Gil, Spagna I Hilar Tursoluk, Turchia I Annie Label, Australia I Marysia Raposo, Brasile I Turkan Elci, Turchia I Maria Josè Silva - Mizé, Portogallo I Sharon Silverman, Usa.

"Active Marginals / 70 Ryosuke Cohen"
Via S. Calenda, 105 / D - Salerno, Tel / Fax 089 5648159 e-mail: bongiani@alice.it
Web Gallery: http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it
Hours continued every day from 00.00 to 24.00

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